
Piano,dance or language lessons?

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I can't decide what i want to do i hope to achieve one of theses things by the time i'm 20 i'm going on 17. I've looked into all of these yet can't decide although i'm not using the dancing lessons as a form of excersise as ive already got gym membership. please help me deicde




  1. Piano

    even though launguage would be really use full

    piano will let you express your self

    and it feels so good to play and it is something you will always have

    when you get older you will not be able to dance aswell

    language will make you smarter

    but piano will make you happy, so go with that

    i have been playing since i was 6 and i am 20. I love the piano.

  2. let your heart guide you. Look to your future. Piano and dance can make you money, also lang. can be an equally fulfilling career. So it depends on you and what you want to do with the rest of your life. There is always learning all 3 so you have something to fall back on or make extra money on the side. Like doing lang but then give piano lessons on the side. You would be surprised how much dancing can help you in other fields, like Rehab esp ballet. So If you can afford it take all 3.

  3. Wny not study the piano?  I have played since I was 4 and no regrets!

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