
Piano???? Practicing????

by Guest21173  |  earlier

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I know people say, practice everyday and you'll get better, but i'm curious HOW does it help you get better by practicing, like what does it do?




  1. Whenever you do something over and over, it becomes a habit... something you can do without having to think about it.  When you first learn a new chord or a new song, you have to think about making your fingers go where they're supposed to go.  But after doing it many, many times, you find that you can do it automatically, without having to pause and think.  When you no longer have to concentrate on the mechanics of it, you can focus on putting more feeling and creativity into it, making the music sound beautiful and not just mechanical.

    Actually, the saying should really go: PERFECT practice makes perfect.  If you practice something sloppily, that's how you'll learn it, and your performance will be sloppy.  It's better to do fewer repetitions the right way, rather than many repetitions the wrong way!

  2. Practice does make perfect, as they old saying goes.

    If you just sit and look at your piano, you will never learn.

    And just by repeating your playing, helps your mind and body to recall it, and with practice helps to improve your playing.

    again, an  old saying, "How to you get to Carnegie Hall,"

    Answer, "Practice, Practice, Practice"

  3. Well

    1) When you practice the same thing over and over your body remembers it. Its called muscel memory. So then different levels get easier and easier then soon ur a genious!

    2) I play the piano. I play an hour a day and everytime i mess up i go back and play it over and over till i get it right then i get really good at the song.

  4. Well, I practice by first looking at the piece I'm about to play (if it's sight reading),and then I play it through once. After that, I take it piece by piece, analyzing and perfecting the parts I'm having trouble on. After that, I play the whole song once again, and move on to the next song repeating the whole process again.

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