
Piano please answer =] ?

by  |  earlier

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my grandma went to a sykick (not sure how to spell it ) in portugal and she showed her a pic of me nd she sykick said that i used to play the piano (which is thrue btw) and my grandma said that i dont play it anymore

the lady said that i would have had a great future in it and that i was verry smart

do you think i can still be as good i i would have been if i kept playing if i start again

and can i still have that great future?




  1. As a music lover and piano / keyboard player myself.....

    I would have to liken the ability to play the piano as similar to learning to type or drive a car, then not need to use those skills for years, but still maintain familiar talents for that activity.

    Just like riding a bike!

    You are sure to surprise yourself when you get back into it.  Besides, you always do better later in life at things you've done as a child.

  2. Yeah I think you can especially if you want to or enjoy playing the piano.

  3. You are never too old to learn... keep at it and you will do fine.

  4. I have been a professional musician, a music teacher and I owned a music store and a school of music. Some of our best students were older students and they did well because they wanted to. It was for themselves and not because Mom or Dad pushed them to do it. One man upon retirement bought a trombone because he loved the old big band music. Maybe 5 years later I put together a big dance band and he was my lead trombone player. He was great. As far as I know he is still playing near 80 years old. I am still in my 40's and was quite young when I did all that stuff. I was pretty good when I was in collage, but over the years I have become so much better. Unlike sports where your body wears out and can't compete, a musician can be very accomplished as they get older and continue to improve.

  5. "Psychic"

    Well do YOU want to play the Piano, did you enjoy it.

    If yes then why the h**l not lol

    Even if you don't get anywhere with it, it is a wonderful instrument to play.

    I've been playing for approx 5 years, & I taught myself. I have sooo much more to learn, but I can read music, play two hands & all that.

    What i'm trying to say is if you liked playing, want to play, then go for it.

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