
Picking a lamb for an SAE?

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So I am deciding between three market day lambs. One is very, very docile and would be a lot easier to train, but, it has a small loin and small legs. It doesn't seem to have much growth potential and it was probably the smallest one there.

Then there was a very nice looking sheep big Loin strong shoulders, good balance, but, I could barely catch it and when I was feeding them eat was the very last one to eat (from my hands) and the very first one to leave.

Then there was one kind of in between, the loin was almost as long but, not nearly as wide. His shoulder was about and inch and inch and a half smaller. He was kind of docile hard to catch but, after I did he would stay with me and lead pretty well.

None of them have any training at all, and I am kind of a newb, but, I really want to do well at the fair. Should I go with the very strong, and not docile--at all, the ok looking one, that was a little bit more docile, or the very docile one with little growth potential?




  1. Ive had the same issue with picking pigs. Don't pay attention to the behavior yet. What you want is a good confirmation/structure of the body. You can always train...with a lot of work. But you can't change the structure of the body.  Hope this helps...its so much fun showing for ffa!

  2. Always go for the good conformation, you can tame it down and train it the way that you want to. You cannot change the conformation, if you start out with a bad one you wind up with a loser, no matter how gentle it is. The length and width of that loin and the size of those hind legs are the things that sell well and will win the competitions for you. Your choice here is easy, hard work ahead with a winning lamb or the easy way with a gentle loser.

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