
Picnic ideas??

by  |  earlier

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I'm taking a girl on a date, and i decided to go on a picnic. I don't really know what i should bring to eat... i don't really want the boring sandwitches, any suggestions?




  1. uh...i'm gonna give suggestions based on what i would like if i were the girl...

    firstly, (if youre of proper age) i think some wine would be very romantic. and maybe some kind of soup (thats not too watery, more like a creamy soup) could be brought in a thermus. crackers taste good with soup too.....yum now im hungry. oh and also like a fruit of somesort. i like fruit.

    so...whens the date? pick me up!! hahaha jus kidding

  2. Take some mini suasage rolls and some mini sausages and then take some crisps and some little cakes.

    Also take some strawberries or something to eat after, finger food is the best and sweet things.

    Take some games to play after as well like some badmintton or something and take a big comfy rug to get comfy on.

  3. If you make a long roll and she has to start eating at one end , whyle you eat at the other and race to who reaches the middle first!? Hmmmmmm..finish it off with a suprise smooch (kiss) when you both reach centre! for seconds bring exotic slices of fruit in mini containers and hand feed it to her this is always very s**y. And don't forget some nice chilled wine or and juice,your immagination is your only limitation?

  4. on omelette is really easy to make, or a tart, and its nice cold.. if you actually cook something, she'll be WAY more impressed!

  5. Buy finger foods from the deli that will make you happy. Try cherry tomatoes, cold roast chicken that you can tear off the bone, boiled eggs, organic candy bars. Include ready-to-eat foods like peanuts, granola bars, raisins, peanut butter crackers and dried fruit.

    Think simple. Picnics are supposed to be stress free!

    Don't forget the wine!

  6. have some pizza, bbq, chips/fruits ang drinks

    or pasta

  7. buy a big sandwich lol

  8. fresh fruits --strawberries, blueberries, apples, grapes-- and/or veggies, tossed salad or pasta salad, granola, chips and salsa, baked goods --cookies or brownies or something

  9. Fried chicken, potato salad or garden salad, watermelon and lemon-aide or if you are interested in alcohol I would suggest either lemoncello diluted with raspberry selter (maybe even through a few fresh raspberries in for the appearance) or a Japanese Plum Wine.
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