
Pie or cake?

by  |  earlier

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When you're at a fancy restaraunt, do you prefer pie or cake for dessert. Say both were the best in town. Or if you don't like either of hem say so.




  1. cake is awesome. pie is ok


  2. cake if its in a restaurant

  3. strawberry cheese cake or key lime pie

  4. ice cream!

  5. Yes, please.

  6. pie...i hate cake

  7. CAKE with out a dout or second guess!!

  8. PIE

  9. Don't really eat desserts a lot but I'd say cheesecake!

  10. It's easier to make a cake look decadent so I think a slice of cake would be better.  Pie seems to be more 'diner' food (BTW - I love diner food too).

  11. Pie for me, cherry or pecan.=)

  12. CAKE!!!

    the pie is a lie

  13. mmm Pie is soo good :)

  14. uuuummmmmm

    it depends wut kind of cake and pie


    apple pie yes

    icecream cake yes

  15. Neither.  I don't eat dessert.

  16. I like something with a lil bit of everything! Ice Cream,Brownie and cheese cake!

  17. cake

  18. Pie or Cake whatever they have! The more options the better! But it really depends on what I'm in the mood for....

    I love some Apple Pie on the late night HOT out the oven with some whip cream and vanilla ice cream... sososoososososso good!!!!   :)

  19. Pie.  I love crust.

  20. Not big on desserts but if I had to choose it would be key lime pie.

  21. I like pie but what I mostly like is Cheese cake yummy topping wiht starwberry

  22. Um, both?

  23. Cake.  A chocolate, gooey delicious and decadent cake with lots of layers.

  24. cream :) hhe

    i just have to be a pain...ya know
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