
Pierced ears question!! help!?

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I woke up today with a little dried blood on my ear lobe. i got my ears pierced yesterday with a needle. any thing wrong? i put cleaning stuff on it,(salt water that they gave us) at it was gone, but why was it their?




  1. Firstly, you did good getting them with a needle. A gun just forces a blunt object through your lobe whereas a needle separates the nerves and makes a clean wound that will heal much faster.

    As for the blood: you have to remember that the piercing is a wound. As it was pierced yesterday blood is absolutely normal. Bleeding, redness and even swelling is normal for up to the first two weeks after piercing. It's just the body reacting to the wound. Two different piercings could also react differently, so it's also not a worry that one hurts more than the other, especially at this early stage.

    I wouldn't worry about it because it sounds like its acting like any normal piercing does.

    Good luck!

  2. well of course it's going to be bleeding, its an open wound, the earring is the only thing stopping the blood from coming out, usually after a couple of days the bleeding stops, that's a good indication of when the healing process has started

  3. well im pretty shure a needle is sort of safe to pierce ur ears with but probaly the dried blood was there because either ur ears are allergic to like fake earrings. likee the silver or gold part isnt real so yea....

  4. Dont worrie about it, you penetrated your skin so its obviusly damage, but it will take around a week to heal properly.. Just make sure you clean it every day, and make sure it doesnt get infected.. Because otherwise it will hurt a lot...

  5. There was blood because of your recent piercing. Your ears are very sensitive and ergo take some time to heal properly.

    Mine still bleed a bit when I'm changing them out.(I got another hole a few weeks ago.) It's pefectly normal, but try to keep them clean and don't mess with them too much.(i.e. Don't change them out before they're ready, pull or squeeze them, etc.)

    As far as the method in which was used to pierce the ear, I'm not so sure it was the healthiest. I got mine done 'professionally' by a woman at 'Claires'..but everyone is different.:)I hope this helped! Good luck hun, and remember to keep them clean and healthy:)


  6. Don't worry, if its the lobes it will be fine and its natural, the lower down you go the more blood you will see (although sometimes you dont get any...just erm luck?

    nothing at all to worry about, just keep cleaning it, do not remove the earring.

    hope that helps:)

  7. It is normal to have a bit of blood for a few days.  When you pierce your ears you suffer a puncture wound and puncture wounds bleed.  Keep cleaning it according to the piercers directions and keep an eye out for infection and you should be fine.  And if you got them done professionally the needle is the absolute best way to get them done.  The guns that they use at places like Claires cause damage because they squeeze the ear and they can never get that gun completely clean and sterile between piercings even though they use earrings that come in a sterile container.

  8. nope i pierce ears at the mall its perfectly fine just make sure you clean it every day...  

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