
Piercing help and tips?

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I just got a piercing lastnite. And industrial in my left cartilege! I do not want it to become infected or anything! I have H 2 Ocean stuff to keep it clean! Any more tips or suggestions to keep it amazingly perfect!?!? And to dull pain cause most people know this takes longest to heal and hiurts most in ear! I'm 14 if tht helps




  1. When I got mine done the lady said to twist the earring everyday. And don't change your earring unitl it is completely healed. I was to impatient and changed it before it was healed...BIG MISTAKE.(:

  2. If you have H2Ocean you are set.  I have never used it but I have heard lots of other people singing its praises so I'm sure it is fine.

    Just don't mess with it! ^_-

    Good luck!

  3. whilst cleaning dilute some dettol solution in tepid water and soak some cotton wool, always twist the earring or piercing as u clean it so that it doesnt crust up! the dettol solution works not only as a cleanser but stops inflammation and kills any bacteria forming and its a great antiseptic too this has worked for my piercings everytime! hope this helps Gilly x

  4. I've always used dial soap from the pump (not the bar, bars can carry bacteria) with warm water and q-tips.  Not too much though.  Twice a day for a week or two, and then maybe once a day after that until it's healed.  I've never had an infection from my piercings.

  5. I didnt have my industrial done, but I did have my upper cartilage pierced. Really, the best thing to do is listen to what the piercer told you (assuming its a reputable place). This is what I did for mine, basically:

    - Cleaned it twice a day with piercing cleaner they gave me (you may need to do it more or less for industrial, I really dont know, so it depends on what the piercer told you)

    - Try not to let anyone or anything touch it for quite some time. Industrials  are even more prone to bacteria since theres 2 holes instead of just one, so you really gotta be careful

    -Rotate the jewelry a few rotations each day so scar tissue doesn't form (NOTE: I'm not sure this is the same for an industrial, but I am assuming it is. I wouldn't do it too much/at all though, unless the piercer specified you should)

    - Never touch the jewelry with dirty hands! Always make sure your hands (specifically fingertips) are thoroughly washed!

    Hope that helped, good luck!

  6. There is really nothing much else you can do other than to keep it clean.

    I always cleaned mine with anti-bacterial soap, but sea salt works just fine for cleaning as well. :)

    Do not mess or touch it unless your hands are clean, and try not to hit it on anything.

    If you want to take, ibuprofen to help with pain and swelling.

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