
Piercing your belly button??

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my friend just recently pierced her belly button my herself. (yea, it's better to do it professionally) But she thinks she pierced it wrong, which she probly did. lol But I'm just wondering what you shud watch out for while piercing your belly button? Cuz then I could tell her what she did wrong. I also want to be a professional piercer, and I wanna kind of a heads up on some piercers.




  1. One huge thing - nickel allergies.  If you're allergic to nickel and you have a pierced belly button your body will reject the piercing, by growing skin behind the piercing and literally pushing it out of your body!  It's really terrible!

  2. Watch for infection -- hot, angry skin.

  3. well my daddy is a pro piercer...just look out for any swelling or like a bump where the hole is....and make sure she cleans it twice a day with warm water and salt....NOT ALCOHOL!!...alcohol is can irritate the piercing and that would be bad

  4. She's gonna get infected and it might even grow out.

    What a silly girl..

  5. Peircing your belly button by yourself is dangerous. Your belly button is one of the only peircing that is very close to vital organs. Because your friend peirced it herself, she should take very good care of it to make sure it doesn't get infected (which will inevitably happen, they always do) Wash her belly button 3-4 times a day with a saline solution. If it starts to get very swollen, red, and itchy, than it's infected. If your friend starts to get sick as a result, that could be nothing, but it could be due to the infection reaching vital organs. Go to a doctor if the infection looks really serious, they can perscribe antibiotics. The bellybutton is one of the dirtiest parts of the body, so keep it clean. And keep your hands away from it, your hands are a great way to cause infection. Before cleaning, wash your hands, it makes life a lot easier.

  6. You need a special tool to pierce your bellybutton, and you need a license to buy one so I doubt your friend has one. So whatever she used to pierce her bellybutton, its not gunna come out so good. Wash it often with rubbing alcohol, it works wonders. It's also really good to speed up healing. If she sees signs of infection tell her to just remove it immediately because its not worth it. Let it heal & get it done professionally.

  7. Hi!  Daily hot salt-water baths by putting the solution into a cup and holding on your navel, then with clean hands moving the jewelry around. Tea tree oil may also be recommended as a non-drying natural antiseptic which you can work into your piercing by manipulating your jewelry with clean hands.

    Jogging pants and low cut jeans are your new best friends for the next few months after your piercing. Your new little ring has a painful way of reminding you of it's presence every time something brushes against it.

    Be careful not to wear clothes that continually irritate the area as your body will compensate by rejecting the piercing. Also, know that in later years, your piercing may 'migrate' as the body's natural healing process will try to push the foreign object out of the skin.

    Expect your healed piercing to seem healthy and happy everyday (unless it was bumped or pulled on or has had some accident). If you experience pain,swelling or discharge it is important to contact your piercer,or you will be at risk or losing your piercing or causing damage to your body.

    I hope this helps!

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