
Pilots, that roller coaster feeling?

by Guest63286  |  earlier

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Just curious if you ever get used to that drop in your stomach when maneuvering a plane? I took a intro flight and am concerned about motion sickness. I assume that you get used to it a little bit over time, but what about unpredictable whether conditions?




  1. when i first started flying commercially...i never had that feeling.

  2. You do get used to it.

  3. My brother gets car motion sickness on long drives (like hours). But he has no problem when he drives.

    So I would think that when you are the pilot that would be much less.


    I personally don't suffer from it when I pilot.  I hardly ever get sick on a boat (scuba).

    Good Luck...

  4. It's better when you're doing the driving, you can anticipate the movement.  Only time in 30 years I got close was riding in back of an F16 as safety pilot.

  5. i do flight training and i love that feeling.

  6. That feeling is caused by pulling 0 or negative G's.  I actually like that feeling.  If you pull up hard and nose over quickly you can get a roller coaster effect that's really quite fun.

  7. Yes, you get used to it.  That wasn't technically "motion sickness" btw.  That's caused by your inner ear giving different cues to what's up and down, than your eyes.  Cotton mouth, sweating, nausea THOSE are symptoms of motion sickness.  It's known sometimes also as "Manifestations of Apprehension"= MOA.  Which is a flight-surgeon's way of saying you're afraid of flying-perhaps subconsciously.  Not saying that's your situation-only you can answer that for yourself.

    Hot days, doing low levels in the back of an F4-yes I definitely felt unwell at times.

    Couple things to try:  have something light in your stomach, yogurt, bread, rolls work well for some folks.  When you do start feeling it, ask for the controls if safe to do so-the concentration helps put the sensations out of your mind.  

    Finally one of the best Luftwaffe aces of WW2, Werner Moelders had MOA-and almost washed out.  He went on to score 101 confirmed kills and puked every mission.

  8. I have never been sick but got close the other day. It was hot day. I was empty. Got a low flight level by ATC. Mountainous terain. The plane had the worst turbulance I had ever experianced, I could barely control the pitch and roll motions. Auto pilot on and just put my head against the cold window and kept a lookout. I have never been so happy to be on the ground when I landed and trust me I love being in the air.

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