
Pinching feeling in my cervix?

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I'm 33 1/2 weeks pregnant. For the last 3 days I've been having a pinching feeling in my cervix. The Dr. said it could be mild contractions or irritable uterus. I'm supposed to drink lots of water and lay down when they happen. If they don't stop I'm supposed to go to the hospital. They do stop when I follow directions, but after they have stopped for an hour or so and I get up and move around, they start again. What is irritable uterus and should I be concerned? I have a Dr. appt in a few days. What is the Dr. going to do about it?




  1. My Lamaze instructor said that some women get sharp pains in their cervix when they're dilating. Within the past 3 weeks I've been getting those pains really bad and at my last appointment the doctor said I was dilated to 2..  

  2. You could always call L&D and tell them the information and see what they say. If you are really concerned getting checked isn't a bad thing, but I have had minor contractions since 30 weeks 10-15 per hour all day and night. I have been checked and sent home with instructions to rest as much as possible (yeah right with 2 kids, lol).  

  3. I don't think it is irritable uterus. I think it is exactly what you said your cervix. As you progress in pregnancy and start dilating and preparing for delivery your cervix becomes more sensitive. It is probably increasing pressure on your cervix causing the pain. I did not have it with my first pregnancy but had it with my second and had it really bad with my third.  My children are also very close together. I was at the point in my third when I would cry when I got up and moved around. I've never heard of irritable uterus but it sounds like the same pain I had. The only thing to really relieve it is to find a comfortable position. and also when I took a hot bath it would help for a little while. I hope this helps and don't worry when your baby is born it will all go away

  4. I had those kinds of pains when I had a UTI...did the doctors take a urine sample and check for that?

    The baby could also be hitting a nerve which can send sharp like stabbing pains down there...

  5. i have the same feeling its liek a shotting pain pinching feeling but it happenes then goes right away it dosent stick around my doctor said baby laying on nervs.

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