
Pink and greeen tv screen?

by  |  earlier

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When i play a dvd my tv screen will fash pink and green like checks. I dont know whether its my tv or my dvd player. can anyone help me figure out what it is?




  1. If you are using the Red, Blue and Green component video cables make sure that they are all connected to the right colored connectors on the dvd player and the tv and make sure in the video settings for the dvd player that it is set to Y Cb Cr instead of RGB.

  2. Sounds to me like the SCART Lead is either loose or is slightly damaged, try fiddling around with it and that may work.

  3. check your cables. Also check the setting on the DVD if its set for channel three or four . If this is an older TV set, it may have to be set to channel three or four to correspond with your DVD player. If you're using cable with three RCA type connectors , are you using the yellow one for the video input on your TV? If you are using auxiliary inputs to the TV, assuming you have a VCR with component and audio outputs , try hooking up the VCR to see if it produces the same results as your DVD player. If your TV is playing without the interference then it's either your configuration or setting.

    It sure sounds like a bad cable or channel setting. If you are using the three RCA connectors at each end of the cable. Try using one of the 2  audio connectors  (red,&black or white)

    If the problem no longer exists than it is due to your video cable. Good luck.

  4. the color or contrast might be messed up

  5. Offhand, sounds like one of you settings if off, or one

    of your cables is loose or not connected correctly.

    Check the manual or call the company that makes the DVD player.

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