
Pink patch?

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I'm thinking of applying for the free trial, but I just wanted to know what the packaging (aka the envelope or whatever) looks like. So for example, does it advertise what it is? Or is it just a plain envelope?

It might sound like a weird question, but I really want it but don't want the people who I live with to know I have them.

Also, does it only work for overweight people, or is it ideal for everyone?





  1. It's discreet packaging, small, you open it and there's the 6 patches and paperwork on your order.  Make sure to read carefully, you have to cancel within 14 days of SHIPPING, not whenever you receive the order.  As for its affect, it's probably good for everyone.  It does curb cravings, but nothing drastic.  They claim to boost energy too, didn't notice any of that at all.  Just felt less hungry.  Basically it did very little other than limit snacking.  There are probably better pills that do more (especially in terms of energy), and cheaper too, but I will say this patch is easier.  Bottom line, this is an interesting product, it does have you feeling less hungry and I didn't have my usual midnight cravings.  So that was a plus, but overall there was nothing drastic enough for me to actually shell out the amount of money they require for non trial supplies.  Seems like a quick fix, but it's not.  No actual weight loss, no extra energy.  Too expensive to do VERY little that willpower won't do for free.  Or at most, some over the counter pills for like $10.

  2. The pink patch's come in a plain envelope with an ordinary postoffice stamp, not franked.  They do seem to work for me, no more munchies or snacking.
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