
Pirouette problems?

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okay so i'm beginning to take ballet again and i decided to warm up for the school year by taking summer courses. but i know that i really lack in my pirouettes. i just can't perfect them and always mess up. any advice would be soo welcome please.




  1. -For the first few tries, only attempt a single pirouette to familiarize your body with the feeling and motion. It takes time to work up to a double, triple, quad etc. You may even want to start with only quarter/half turns. If you try doubles/triples right away you will be disappointed.

    -Before attempting multiple turns, try to balance at the end of a single turn before landing.

    -Modulate force for number of rotations desired. More force generally equals more rotations, but it is also a timing thing. Too much force will send you careening across the room and you will lose control. Equally, too little power and you'll stop dead in your tracks and fall face first. The proper amount of power comes with experience and you'll soon be able to tell whether you have too much power or not enough.

    -Remember, every ballerina has fallen on a pirouette at least once. Practice makes perfect. It doesn't take long to be able to do a pirouette and once you get the hang of it, it feels quite natural.

    -Turns takes a sense of center. Even if you barely lean in any direction, you will fall out of your turn. Crunches/sit ups can help with this.

    -Keep your supporting knee straight and tightened. This will help you support yourself.

    -It's important to tighten your body in order to make it look good and stay up.

    -Do not let your arms get very much lower than shoulder height! If they are too low, it will bring your center of gravity down.

    -Imagine someone is pulling you by a string on the top of your head.

    -Make sure you have a strong plie prep but don't stay in your preparation (plie) too long, because then you will lose the momentum from the pirouette.

    -Do point the foot that is in retire hard and think of bringing that retirer higher as you turn. This will also keep your center up and balanced.

    -Make sure foot is still connected to leg in an outward position for ballet and and inward position for jazz.

    -Growth spurts tend to throw off your balance, if you grow and lose some of your pirouette-ing ability don't dismay it will come back along with your sense of balance

    -Always wear clothes that you can move in, (Leotard, booty shorts, and tights are the most comfy to me) Doing pirouettes in jeans are very hard.

    -Make sure to wear socks, foot paws, ballet slippers, or pointe shoes when doing this, otherwise it can become very difficult. Try to do this on a wood floor. NEVER do pirouettes on carpet (it ruins it and is hard)

    It might help to watch this

  2. Once you have all of the basic technique my advice is to just go for it.Since Pirouettes are all about number and posture make sure that youre pulled up and your hips are tucked that always helps me.

  3. just remember 2 spot, balance, dont twist your arms or hips and turn out your leg(unless if it's a jazz pirouette)

  4. This link will show you everything you need to know:

    Make sure you relivate, and practice frequently!!
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