
Placements help???

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im doing my placements at a child care for my early childhood development class and i need help beacause my teacher is coming to assess me at how i can provide a different activity for the children. i dont want anything messy as they are young. thier ages are 3-5 yrs and i need to organise an activity for them to chose from. usually there are 3-4 activities for them to choose from and i hav to make one up. one that theyre not too familiar with. something that will help them with thier development and learning. please help!!! i need it by fridey. eeek!




  1. Is this going to be an activity you are leading or something for them to do independently?  And do you have a particular focus in mind or can it be anything?  

    For something independent maybe set up;

    -Communication, Language and Literacy: 'post office' with paper, stamps, envelopes, postcards and a 'postbox' (cut a hole in a box and paint it red, could do just a small one with a shoe box)

    -Knowledge and Understanding of the World: cars and ramps, to encourage the children to experiment (which car will go the furthest/fastest/slowest/shortest etc?  Why?)

    -Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy: some kind of sorting activity (e.g. different coloured toys/beads/shapes to appropriate dishes, or for chn to sort according to their own criteria)

    -Creative Development: different materials for drawing/mark making (crayons, charcoal, chalk, oil pastels) on different sizes and shapes of paper

    -Physical Development: paper or card, possibly with lines drawn on (straight, wavy, zig zag) with scissors for children to develop their fine motor control

    -Personal, Social and Emotional Development: 'paper dolls' with different sets of clothes for children to dress them, or a dollies or teddies with different items of clothing, this would help to develop their self care skills.

    You might find it helpful to have a look at the EYFS curriculum for more ideas of activities and the areas you could be looking to develop.

  2. there are so many things you can set up for your preschoolers to do that are fun and educational. i like the ideas mentioned by the person above. she's got some good ones. i don't think you should hesitate to get messy! that's part of the fun of teaching in early childhood education and it's a HUGE part of the fun of being a KID! basically, messy=fun. 3, 4, and 5 year olds should be able to do things that involve getting messy.

    some things my classes have liked that are easy to set up and almost always a hit:

    -making play dough. kids love to get messy and they get to play with it when they're done.

    - use non-toxic shaving cream or bath foam. put it right on the table. let the children draw pictures in it, write letters in it, etc...

    - beading- you could use beading to do an activity on patterning or sorting.

    - a big time LOVE of my kids- a bucket of worms and dirt, magnifying glasses, rulers, kid tweezers. let the kids explore the worms and how long they are, how they feel, etc...

    - floating and sinking activities- have a tub of water and different items for them to explore with. buckets, eye droppers, marbles, apples, etc...

    - paint with colored ice cubes

    - collect different items for the children to do rubbings with. like bark from a tree, a flower, etc...

    - make oobleck

    - bubble prints are fun

    - set up a magnet exploring type of station with magnets and items for the children play with and see if they are magnetic or not.

    these are all things that i have done with my 3-5 year don't be scared to do any of them!
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