
Plane Help..?

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Okay well, I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of planes and everything about them. The height scares me especially. Around 40,000 feet! :( And if it was to crash at that height! ( Which is not likely I heard )

And if people bring something on the plane that can make it crash such as lighters or something or hijacking! I know I may just be going insane, but I really need help. Can somebody please convince me that planes are safe?

I really don't want to chicken out at the last minute before I get on the plane LOL




  1. look at statistics. planes rarely crash. cars crash all the time. (like every second.)

  2. well, chances of a plane crash is 1 in 100, and u are more likely to get a car crash than a plane crash, well 9 in 10 of all air crashes are survivable and even if your plane crashes, there will be people coming to save you.and don't get worried, take offs and landings are fun! the speed is thrilling (but not as thrilling as a roller coaster)and every measure at the airport will be taken to prevent mishaps. so don't worry, just sit back and relax, they might even have inflight movies to watch, if u are taking a major airline.

  3. ok first of all the experts say that you have a much much better chance of getting into a car crash and dieing on the way to the airport than actually crashing in a plane.

    secondly since 9/11 and then the attempted thing in london in august 2006 they are sooo picky about whats in your bags or on your person.

    you can't have a lighter any more nor a pocket knife. h**l they no longer give you knives with your food. (i thought that was dumb when i flew)

    and since 2006 you can only have 3 oz of liquid, gel, lotion, in a 1 quart sized plastic zip lock baggie.

    they check everyone quite well and if someone looks suspicious they check them some more.

    i felt the same way about flying as you do.

    but after i did it once i felt alot better.

    but i'm still always going to be a bit worried no matter what.

    def bring some dramamine or something that relaxes you or makes you sleepy. it helps to try to sleep on the plane ride.

    also i'm not going to lie the take off can be a bit scarey.

    you start going really fast then get in the air and feel like its gonna come back down but it does keep going up.

    and the landings can be a little rough sometimes.

    when i was landing in london one time the pilot sort of made us fall a bit quick and everyone screamed but we weren't close enough to the ground to actually hit the ground.

    and according to all of the workers we were never in any danger because we were still high enough.

    we did land just fine though.

    i'm not trying to scare you just letting you know that facts.

    try to calm yourself.

    please don't chicken out.

    if you do then more than likely you will chicken out every time and you will never get on a plane.

  4. When your in a plane, you cant really tell that your up high, unless your looking out the window. it honestly feels like your sitting down on ground. Try to possible get a aisle seat. If your with anybody ask them to switch seats so you dont have to be looking out the window. I know some people get scared during the taking off and landing part. Its no big deal! Its actually fun, during take off your sort of pushed back against your seat. its nothing though, you could easily move, but thats just how the pressure feels. and as for landing, a lot of people dont like it because of the "roller coaster" feeling. also, your ears can also pop while descending, so try to chew gum, and opening your mouth helps too.

    They have very strict rules now, and i would think it would be hard nowadays to get passed the security. Planes are one of the safest methods of travel. Statistically, look at cars. There is probably a higher risk of car crashes rather than plane crashes. And if your traveling with someone, that always helps. you feel more comforted.

    good luck

  5. You've got more chance of being hit by a car outside your house than being in a plane crash.  It's an irrational fear, and you know that, but I totally understand.  

    It might be worth asking the airline if they have booklets etc that could help put your mind to rest - you won't be the first person asking.  Also worth talking to your doctor about a tranquilliser pill.  For long-haul flights many people take a sleeping tablet.

  6. If anything, you should be terrified of cars when comparing to a plane.  Planes are one of the safest methods of travel.  There are very few people who die on planes every year while there are tens of thousands of people who die in car crashes every year.  The chances that anything will happen on a plane are extremely slim to none.

  7. you will see how good they check bags at security.

    no one will be getting on a plane with a weapon, trust me.

    and think about it, how many car accidents are there a DAY,

    when plane chrashes rarely EVER happen.

    your really much safer on a plane.
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