
Planet lost......?..?...?

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Have you ever think about the end of the world because we make huge mistakes and god will punished us (why are we so cruel ,many people die poor and happy).

I'm just asking no one ask this question and i'm just scary about the end of the world




  1. There is no god to punish us, my dear. Our fate is entirely in our own hands.

    And THAT is what scares me.

  2. God would have had ample opportunity (and valid reasons) to eliminate us many times over.  So it looks like God is not willing to use the "end-of-the-world" as a punishment tool.

    The test may be for us to find our way out of the problems.  We have done a lot through science (for example, discovering what causes sickness and finding ways to cure it).  God, it seems, gave us a universe that works according to rules and principles; and gave us just enough intelligence so that, working together, we can discover what the rules are and understand how things work.

    However, lately we have been using science and technology as a way to "improve" our selfishness.  Even our modern religions and economic systems have become glorification of selfishness (this is the most basic human "value" and is written into the genetic code of almost all living creatures).

    I suspect that humans will try to tackle the problems they create only when they discover that it is in their own selfish interest to do so.  For now, unless there is a quick profit to be made, we do not care.  We are the "Ferengi" of creation.


    500 years ago, the belief in a flat Earth had not yet started.  It started around 400 years ago in North western Europe (incl. the British Isles)  from a religious movement that based its analysis on misguided and exaggerated interpretations of the Bible.

    The idea that 'Ancients believed the Earth to be flat' is rather recent and can be traced to then end of the 19th century (the 1800s).  The classical Greek astronomers already knew that the Earth was round over 2300 years ago.  (I say round because some of them -- a minority -- described it as a cylinder, not a sphere).

    The debate that continued until the 17th century (until Kepler then Isaac Newton) was whether Earth was the centre of the Universe or merely a planet in orbit around the Sun.

  3. Maybe we can never know God's plans but global warming is his plan.

    Not all people believe in God anyways.

  4. if you still believe in a god, you should be scared...

    god is a primitive belief.... a belief that science can't explain everything (when in actually it can.... even things that aren't yet today understood, will in time be understood.... 500 years ago everyone thought the world was flat.... science made a few individuals rebuke this belief and eventually it was tested and proven wrong, the world isn't flat...)

    i'm not sure how much comfort you may or may not find in this... i personally don't believe it but it seems to offer comfort to others..

    "the world has existed for billions of years, life has existed for billions of years, species last millions of years and we've been here 100,000 years or less (depending on what you classify as 'human')

    we've still got a long run on our time card.

  5. According to my researches, the planet Earth are suffering by great calamities done by the human activities. For me we should not think how thus the world will lost because everyone of us are responsible on what we did. And as far as I know, there are meteors that will fall on the earth suface on 2012... , but I am not sure about this opinion.If you want to see if bthis is true watch this event on youtube, you are the only one that make yourself believe on what you see

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