
Planning Trip to India?

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Hi, I'm going to India for a month in the summer with a couple friends, but we have different ideas about planning the trip while there.

They've talked a friend that's been before and decided it will be fine not booking anything at all.

But I feel that we should at least plan some of the early stuff in advance, if not all. Decide the places we want to go and make sure we go to them all. I've heard that the long distance trains need to be booked weeks in advance etc, and I think it'd be better to book accommodation so we don't have to walk around looking for somewhere to stay, and it makes sure they've got vacancies and we can find the cheapest places/read reviews in advance.

Just wondered what people's opinions were, what would you do? Is it better to book some trains & accommodation in advance?






  1. just don't go to calcutta where the terrorists reside!!

  2. Hi,

    I went on my own a couple of years ago and didn't book anything. I always found reasonable accommodation with no problem at all, but sometimes had to wait a day or to get a train out to the next place, but to be honest that was fine with me - it just meant I found more things to explore in the place I was staying! If you want a set itinerary and it's very important to you to get to a certain number of places, then book ahead. If you want an adventure then just go for it - you'll be fine, and who knows what you'll find. Always remember that there are internet cafes everywhere in India, so if you do want to book something ahead, get some advice or check out a review, then you can do so. So it depends what kind of trip you want! Most importantly HAVE FUN!! Hxx

  3. I've been to India, Delhi, the people will stair at you, just because your white(that's if your white). but they are very friendly, like all places there is good and bad. I would recommend you book accommodation in advance or you will pay more. and work out where you want to go, ie plan! everywhere you go in India there's loads of people, prepare for your senses to be overwhelmed, only drink bottled water it's very cheap, make sure the cap is sealed. most of the 1.4 billion population is vegetarian, but they have Mcdonalds,pizza hut, and all the rest, the south and west of India are more liberal, but as far as I can tell the rest are stuck in the past. You will encounter beggars large and small, what ever you do DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY!

    Anyway, enjoy like I said the people are nice.

  4. If you want to go on the cheap and don't mind sleeping rough then don't book anything.

    If you want to be sure of a nice clean bed to sleep in each night a booking in advance would be sensible.

    The person who has supposedly been before must also realise that the trains can be sardine crowded with people and animals.

    Good luck and enjoy however you decide to travel.

  5. Plan at least your first two days in terms of accommodation, just so you have somewhere to go when you first get in  - where are you flying into?  Do you have an idea of what you want to see and do and where you want to go?  I think if you have a vague idea you'll do just fine, if you book everything in advance you'll then have no flexibility to change your plans and you need to be flexible in India!  Also you can't rely on what you read online/on books all the time, sometimes it's better to be there judging for yourself!  I travelled for 2 weeks, landed in Delhi, booked train tickets for next stop (Agra) at the airport then planned as we went based on meeting other travellers and hearing their experiences.  Don't worry too much about the trains, book in advance from stations when you get there, think you'll have a better idea of what you definitely want to do, you can all agree it based on what you have already done, and you are still booking in advance!  I booked trains one or two days in advance and had no problems (I chose not to travel first class so this may have made a difference, but I got the best experiences for it!)

    Also, if you stay in Jaipur go to the Pearl Palace for accommodation and travel advice, the owners/staff there are amazingly helpful.

    If you are really concerned about not having plans, do some research online for good hostels and popular sights, make a note of what you find and take that information with you to refer back to as you travel, youu won't have things booked but you will have a point of reference. (Obviously you could just buy a travel guide but if you do the research it will be easier for you to refer back to!)

    Try these sites for more info, I used these when I was in India to find accommodation, ideas for trips etc

    India was my first stop in 6 months of travelling and learnt a lot from it, let me know if you want any more first hand info (places to stay, good sites, do's and don't's etc)

  6. I am from Inida. You should visit Mumbai and the Taj Mahal as a definite.

  7. first you may need some jabs "injections"

    speak to your doctor

    accommodation is no problem over there just go with the flow

    you will have a great time there

  8. I would recommend you book accommodation for your first couple of nights, just so you have somewhere to go straight away to get over any jetlag, and to acclimatise.

    If you don't mind crowded spaces and taking potluck then you don't need to book trains too far in advance of travel.

    If you are going with a group, it is incredibly cheap to hire a car/people-carrier with driver. It only cost me £6 to hire a car and driver to take me from Jammu to Dharamsala, which is a five hour drive.

    Enjoy! It is an incredible country.

  9. accommodation, yes but train not needed.

    Take something to purify the water and watch what you eat. I have had several friends and family come back sick. some with just stomach issues, some really sick. Check on what is safe to eat.

    It's a great place, have fun.

  10. Never been to India before but I agree with you.  I wouldnt go anywhere especially to a foreign country without booking atleast a place to stay.  Its not unheard of to go on a vacation without planning things to do while there but I cant believe anyone would even consider going out of the country without booking accomadations.  Good Luck

  11. i would book in advance. especially in a hot place. outide? you dont want to be out there all the time with no place  to stay.

    and a ferw things to keep in mind: dont eat lettuce or fruits, or veggitables  before heating it/cooking it at VERY high tempurartures.

    dont drink tap water!!! ONLY bottled water!~!

    my dad went there. and there is something wrong with the water, and fruits and veggies.

  12. you can definitely go without booking accomodation BUT in my opinion i prefer getting my stuff organised beforehand. thats really a personal thing. considering you are only going for a month, perhaps you should book accomodation as then you will get round everything you want to.

    many people dont book accomodation when they have time on their hands & want a more relaxed way of travel. but you are right, sometimes its difficult because at the end of a long day on the train or whatever....finding accomodation can be the last thing you feel like doing. but then again, booking everything takes part of the backpacking thing away. so its a personal choice.

    i would say book the trains in advance as they are extremely popular! at worst, a few days ahead...but you cant always guarantee the train time you want/class you want.

    with some hostel companies (hostel world or hostel bookers maybe?) you only pay 10% deposit for your accomodation, which often is only a couple of pounds when its cheap, so you could always provisionally book places, and if u dont make it there you haven't lost out much.

  13. Hi, I am from India. It is always better to book the trains well in advance..You will not get tickets in the last minute. There is an option called 'unreserved' though. But i will not recommend it coz its a pain! A cabin in the train where all last minute passengers will be going..its chaos in there! you would want to book tickets well in advance so you dont end up in a unreserved cabin! Its summer in India so wud recommend you book in A/C coach wherever you are travelling. Not all the reserved cabins are air conditioned. You would want to look into this website for train reservations:

    Accomodations - you needn't necessarily book beforehand.

    I hate to admit this - but be careful about the cash n other stuff u carry when u r in crowded places like the railway stations..usually the cab drivers charge double for tourist people compared to locals. You cant do anything about that though! but u can try bargaining for half the price they start with :)

  14. ya!!!! do it in advance or u wont have anywhere to go

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