
Planning on getting a rare turtle.?

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I want to get a turtle, but I don't want some RES or anything normal. I want something special or rare, like a japanese- Arctic-spider turtle (made-up) or a blind turtle like stevie.




  1. OK, 'rare' can mean a couple things- uncommon in the wild, or uncommon as a pet. Those that are rare in the wild are expensive, and often illegal to own- those that are rare as pets are often hard to care for.

    What you maybe REALLY want is a cool, unusual, uncommon turtle? In that case, try things like...

    - The Spiny Turtle (

    - Mata Mata (

    - Spotted Turtles (

    - Snapping Turtles

    None of these guys looks anything like a Red-ear slider, and are not too terribly hard to care for or expensive.

    NOTE- before you buy from ANY on-line vendor, you may want to check out their reputation. Try this link:

  2. Here are some rare turtles...

    Good Luck!

    I like the carmel slider :P

  3. he gave you the answer right one the spot, good place to go to

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