
Planning to buy a 10gallon tank?

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im planning to buy a 10gallon fish tank..but 1st i need to know what kind of fishes can i use in there please name all of them cause some people name different..the fishes i love is ,,betta,angelfish,oscar,bala shark....would a oscar or puffer fish or bala shark fit in a 10 gallon just planning to buy 1 fish so will a 10 gallon be perfect for any of those fishes i mentioned okay??or do u know any websites that show wat type of fishes can fit in a 10 gallon ..thank you in advance




  1. i would get a dwarf puffer fish. they can live iin a ten gallon tank alone. (unless you buy a oto or a shrimp) dwarf puffer require brackish water though theyre very friendly and cute. this can help. watch out if he puffs up it can cause death. also dont keep different species of fish (except otos and shrimp) cause he/she will kill it or nip on its fins. males are very agressive so dont keep 2 males togetther.

  2. A ten gallon tank is a bad idea for Angel Fish, Bala Sharks, and Oscars, I have a albino tiger oscar (Ludka) who will eventually reach 18 inches when mature, he is 1 yr and is a big boy. If you are going with the 10 gallon, the only fish you would be capable of putting in there are guppies or betta's, do not put two male betta's together, they will fight till the death, and do not put many fish in it, or you will be cleaning and changing water constantly trying to keep it clean. I'm not sure about puffer fish, never had them, but I would assume that they too would grow larger and out-grow a ten gallon quickly.


    That lists all kinds of info for 10 gallon tanks. It's great.

  4. the only fish that would live in there happily that you mentioned was a betta. there is some really cool websites that have info on fish such as what to feed it and every thing else. they are and

    EDIT: you could also put some mollies maybe a guppy.

  5. Angelfish, oscars, and bala sharks are all too big for a 10 gallon tank. Dwarf pufferfish would work. Get a male and a couple females. Dwarf puffers need to eat live snails, so make sure you can get those before getting the fish.  

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