
Plants reproduction?

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Plants that produce large, showy flowers (like roses) do not produce a lot of pollen, but those that produce very small and unnoticed flowers (like grass) producae a lot of pollen. Why might this be?




  1. A lot of the answer has to do with conservation of energy and nutrients. The reason the rose plant, for example, produces a large sweet smelling rose is to attract insects like bees, which, as you probably know, will brush up against the pollen in the flower in order to obtain the nectar and thus spread the pollen to other flowers. Since the rose's pollen is transported directly to another flower via the insects, less pollen is needed to insure that the pollen is spread to another flower (hee hee).In contrast, the small unnoticed flower, like a grass plant, does not attract insects like the rose does. Rather, these plants usually harness wind to spread the pollen (wind-pollinated as opposed to the insect-pollinated rose). This pollen produced by the grass does not necessarily reach another flower, but will be transported wherever the wind takes it. Thus, the grass flower would produce a lot of pollen so as to increase the likelihood that the pollen transported by wind will pollinate another flower.  

    The reason that any plants would choose to be wind-pollinated versus insect-pollinated (grass versus rose) is that it, in another method, also saves resources. The production of nectar, bright pedals, and a delicious scent takes precious energy and resources away from the growth and development of the rose. Therefore, even though the grass plant has to produce much more pollen, it does not need to produce these costly adaptations. Thus, it is a trade-off of benefits.

    Yea... so this was a little rambly, but I hoped it helped.

  2. Grass is wind pollinated ie It relies on te wind rather than insects carrying the pollen from its anthers to the stigma of another flower.

    Due to uncertainty of wind speed and direction , they have to produce a lot more pollen to increase the chances of successful fertilisation.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Here's a hint.  Birds and bees don't visit flowerless plants.

  4. "D

  5. the plants adopt different strategies to maximise their chances of successful reproduction, it's rather unlikely that individual plants will have both conspicuous flowers and many pollen grains at the same time, the energy expenditure would be too high for the plant, usually, if they rely on animal/ insects for pollination - showy flowers; otherwise, wind pollination - many pollens.. so they spend their energy/resources in different ways..
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