
Playing basketball in college?

by Guest61910  |  earlier

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I'm a senior in high school, I was wondering can i play basketball in college if i never played it in high school. There are several reason i didn't play basketball in high school:

reason 1: i don't like the basketball coach because he was my History teacher in my junior year and i don't like him.

reason 2: we must have a basketball class & it is a waste of credit because i have other classes i had to take (the class takes up two class period & gives you a half credit).


so i was wondering if it is possible to play basketball in college. I would say i'm doing in school and my GPA is 3.84. I would one day like to be in the WNBA( I have the height and a little skill, like i could shot the ball and i'm a very good defender)




  1. hey

    ok 1st thing im really not trying to put you down...

    ok if you really wanted to play in the wnba and get a scholarship you would have dont anyhting you needed to do to play high school basketball or just basketball in general....

    your senior year id really late to be looking at colleges b/c scouts have already looked at your class when you guys were juniors and have made their choice...

    also do you play aau... you should since you didnt play high ball

    well there is a slight chance you can get a scholarship... you must really be the best player in yur state and make the first team all state and also start looking colleges from now and start getting serious about college ball

    go to as many tournaments as you can....

    and register with ncaa clearinghouse and you have to patch things up with your basketball coach b/c he is the key to youe scholarship b/c he talks to the schools about your skills and emotional stand point with basketball

    i hope i answered your question

    and good luck  

  2. You can play college basketball without playing in high school but your not going to get in that easy. You have to be really good talent wise for them to let you in. I think but I'm not sure that it also depends on your size too. They probably will not accept you if your really small.

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