
Playing favourites .. ?

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Okaaaaaaaay ... sooo

my mom likes to play favourites with my older brother

she always says that hes

" sooo cute !! "

and hes " just sooo perfect!! "

When in reality

Hes not .

He's really not .

He treats me like **** sometimes thats for sure... and acts perfect infront of her

i dont mean to get into a life story .. or complain .. but whoelse am i supposed to talk to ? ... not her , because she laughs in my face when i explain how i feel.

but ever since we were little he has got the best of everything from her.

My dad has also noticed this ..

and it doesnt help much when she even says it right infront of you too

" Oh mike ... your my favourite!! "

Im a REALLY emotional person .. so sometimes i just feel like i need to cry because of it

but can't infront of her because i dont want to embarass myself infrornt of my mom ... ?

is it normal to feel this way ?

to be totally uncomfortable expressing emotion infront of your mom because your too embarassed ..?

From past experiences .. crying infront of her doesn't do much..its not like she changes her mind

my brother is just her favourite ... straight up .




  1. Your mom should not laugh at you when you cry.  Try talking to your dad or grandparents about your mother.  Maybe she just doesn't understand how her actions are making you feel.

  2. well this might not be the best answer,but I'm the older brothers of four and the second oldest is my mom's favorite.I mean he gets away with everything he could do anything he wants and not get yelled or anything.Me on the other hand i get blamed for everything ( okay maybe not everything but alot of things).Anyways what i did is just not care.when i moved out of the house she started getting sick and worried about where i am.My brother admits it kinda different when I'm not around cause she pays a whole lot less attention to him now.But i seriously couldn't care less now.oohh well.i guess what im trying to say she doesn't appreciate you now because your always around but when you wont be then she will realise that she might have made a mistake.

    Hope this helped  

  3. I read this thing in a parenting book, maybe she heard it too and is just taking it way to far.

    When the only child stops becoming an only child the best way to avoid sibling rivalry is to favor the oldest because he or she was used to having all the attention for so long (and the new child doesn't know any different). This means giving the first child extra hugs, making sure he is fed first things like that. Not "you are my favorite".

    Its to help over come the changes in the home and keep the once only child from feeling forgotten or less special.

    This is just the thought that came to mind when I read your post. It has little to do with your question, but maybe its some of the reasoning behind her behavoir.

    Keep in mind too. She may be your mom and you love her, she loves you. She just might not have connected with you the way she has with your brother. Its poor of her to show that openly but not every person is the best person they can be. Do what you can to learn from her behavior so you don't do it to your children.

    Maybe you and your dad can spend time together to make up for the void your mom leaves.

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