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I have a couple concerns. Today was my first day of summer dance season. I didn't eat anything before I went and I was there for about three and a half hours. I felt like c**p! I couldn't do anything! I felt dizzy and light headed and nauseated. Was it because I didn't eat anything? If I eat a lot before, won't I feel bad then too?




  1. Hi Bookworm,

    Of course it was because you didn't eat anything!  Before dance class, especially a long and/or rigorous one, you should eat a balanced meal, with simple sugars, simple carbs, complex carbs, and protein.

    For simple sugars, I recommend a healthy source, such as fruit.  If you eat a candy bar, the other things in it, like fat and chemicals, will make you feel worse while dancing, even if you do eat the other foot types.  There's just so much sugar in it that it'll overwhelm your system.  You'll feel full and go to dance class on a candy bar.

    Simple carbs are grains and the like.  I recommend whole-grain, because it's a lot healthier and has more nutrients to keep you healthy, boost your immune system, and energize your body.  A whole-grain slice of bread or whole-grain noodles are great, as long as you also have the other food types.

    Complex carbs are a little more difficult.  Usually, if you eat something whole-grain, that would be your complex carbs.  Your white breads and the like would be your simple carbs, but not always.

    Protein, obviously, is better lean.  Examples of lean protein are turkey or chicken breast, albacore tuna, and egg whites.  If you're a vegetarian, soy meat and other soy products are considered lean protein.  However, fatty protein is good to keep you warm in the winter (not that you'll need that in dance class).  Fatty protein, the stuff you want to mostly avoid, can be things like fried meats, bacon, fatty cuts of meat, or even tofu.  I would recommend lean proteins as a dancer to a dancer.

    Sorry if I lectured you and you already knew this -- this is just very important for a dancer to know and to live by.  I hope this helped, and good luck.  Remember, always feel free to contact me with further questions.♥

  2. yes it was probably because you didnt eat. if you want to eat before you dance then eat until you feel full. not until you feel like your stmach is about to explode. then if you have breaks during dance just eat some snacks. that way you wont be hungry the whole time but you wont feel bloated. and make sure you stay hydrated but not too much water or youll fell bloated.

  3. It was probably cause you didnt eat anything. I usually just have a small healthy breakfast. (eggs.. or french toast..or whole wheat cereal). You dont want to eat anything too big nor too small. but you MUST eat. Especcially breakfast because it gives you energy for the day.

    good luck. :)

  4. yea....

    you were feeling dizzy because you didnt eat!! You always want to eat be for you do any type of dance or sport!!

    dont dont have to eat alot to where your ganna get sick, but you do have to eat something!! Try to eat something light like fruit or maybe even a lil salad!

    Good Luck♥

  5. eat enough food so u can have enough energy to dance!!! ur supposed to eat! and yes u were feeling dizzy because u didnt eat!!

  6. Wow.  3 1/2 hours is a long time 0.o. especially if you're dancing and working out.  It is very important to eat before any activity that will require a lot of your energy.  Of course, eating right before it will probably cause an upset stomach, but you should plan your meals out and make sure you get your nutrients and energies before.  also it is even MORE important, especially in summer, to drink lots of fluids.  Dehydration is very common during the summer and it causes exactly what you described.  make sure you drink plenty of water, and it will decrease the amount of dizziness/light headedness, etc.

    good luck!

  7. yes, and yes. make sure you have some food before you dance, esp if its for 3 hours. just dont overeat either. another hint, dont stress out or worry that much over not being able to do some things. it was only your first class, and the other people might have had more experience than you have had. what i've always done is keep some food like a energy bar in my dance bag. that way, if you feel like you really need some food, you're all covered. you'll be able to catch up in no time :D good luck!

  8. usually i drink a cup of milk...before i got to pratice.

    i go to pratice every saturday for 4 hours...milk is light but it also fills your could also try those tiger protein bars.


    most likely it was because you didnt eat anything plus you were working out which would make you more hungry and your stomach would be trying to eat itself.

    and if you eat something thats really heavy before you go you will end up puking.

    try something light with lottsa protein in it.

  9. you should eat diet and good for your then this things will not happen.hope you luck!bye

  10. eat girl eat. eat like an hour before you go so it settles

  11. i think its cuz u didn't eat anything

    u should just eat a light snake two hours before not right b4

  12. yes you always have to eat before a dance class

    i have been in hip hop and jazz classes for 5 years.

    and ever night that i have a class i usually eat

    and apple and some crackers and water before

    i go and I'm fine during class. but its best if you eat

  13. i would have sat down as soon as i was light headed.

    It might have been because you didn't eat so always bring a chewy bar and water to dance. It also might have been because it was hot out that can get you light headed. Always bring water too. you may have been dehidrated.

  14. I think it's because of NERVES and because you didn't eat anything. It's cool I went through the same thing, darlin! But it's good you kept with it the three hours and hope you can stick with it. Just eat maybe an hour before you go, don't eat like restaurant heavy, but eat enough so you're not hungry and so you can move. Besides if you don't eat your body might start eating the muscle and tone you have

  15. yeah that was most likely because you didnt eat anything before.  Next time, eat something light, like yogurt with some fruit or just fruit alone...maybe a small sandwhich with cold lunch meat.  Obviously you don't want to be stuffed before you dance, but you should have something in your stomach especially if it is in the morning and you havent eaten anything yet.

  16. You have to eat to have energy to dance! You were dizzy because your blood sugar was low due to not eating. Contrary to what people may think, dancing is very strenuous, and you need your energy. Try to stay hydrated and maybe eat light foods like fruits, yogurts, salads, veggies, etc.  You don't want to eat anything really heavy before you dance, since that can give you cramps, and especially if you dance ballet, it can make it harder to have that nice flat look to your stomach.

  17. you need to eat, but not to much, before you do any activity. try pria bars, and water if you are in a hurry, or a granola barand a banana.  also: drink lots of water

  18. eat cereal or a bananas. if you arn't hungry, then just bring a small snack to practice. if you feel sick, the teacher should let you rest  and maybe snack. i would suggest eating before though. Nothing heavy.
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