
Please Help! Can i be pregnant???

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I had unprotected s*x a couple of days before my period. I took the Morning after pill the same day. Then my period came on the date it was suppose to July 17th, or so i thought it was my period. I mean it came when it was expected and was short like always, 5 days. regular flow, i always get it between kinda light but not so heavy. but then i don't know if it was just spotting because of the pill?

Well now, i was suppose to get my period on sunday or around that time, but nothing yet? could it be that i am pregnant? but then again, this last month and this month i have been stressing bc of college and trying to find a job, could it be thats its just late bc of stress. my boyfriend tells me that it will come soon, and that i am just stressing which is causing the delay? how late does my period have to be before i start thinking that i am pregnant?





  1. Sounds like there's a good chance it's just stress throwing off your cycle.  Or your cycle could be off from the morning after pill.  I'd take a test.  The morning after pill is not 100%.

  2. You can be pregnant, but you probably aren't.  The morning after pill can really s***w up your cycle.  If you're worried, you should still go get a home pregnancy test.  Better to depend on a test than ask us our opinions.

  3. I do not think you are pregnant at all.

    However, if you think that you could be pregnant, wait one week and do a pregnancy test.

    Good luck!

  4. Nah , I don't think you're preggo. The morning after can also affect your period because of all the hormones freaking out in your body, put that together with stress = your late period (it could even skip for one month) so don't stress too much and do what the other girl said, if in a few weeks still no period take a test .  

  5. I think it is stress...i'm in college and i've been known to either skip or have two periods in one month due to stress.. Stress can do funny things to your body.  

  6. take your shirt off and look at your stomach

    if its big your pregnant

    if its normal your not

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