
Please Help!! My bunny ate Rubber!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My bunny was playing on the couch and then i saw her chewing, and i looked and a button on the remote was missing!!!!!!!!!!!! she ate it!!!! will she be okay??? the button is RUBBER, adn it's about 1 cm long and a half cm wide. Plz tell me she will be okay, and i WAS superviseing her, but i didn't know she had the remote intill she started chewing!!! I can't afford to take her to the vet, but if i absoultly HAVE to then i will. Ilove my bunny soo much i hope she'll be okay!! also she is a netherland dwarf rabbit if that makes a diffrence.




  1. A button off of your remote probably would not hurt her. But just to be safe, press her nose and see if you can change TV channels.

  2. She should be fine.  Rabbits are usually tough animals.

  3. She should be fine. Just monitor her and see if anything changes.

  4. It should be fine. Watch for unusual behavior that might be linked to it

  5. She shuld be okay.  My cat ate an elastic band and it just went straight through.  If she stops eating or is sick or just starts acting wierd then take her to the vet and explain what happened.

  6. as long as she digests it and poops it out with out truoble sshe will be fine. i have a rabbit also you cant take your eyes off them for not one second because i did once and he chewed through electrical cords.

  7. uhh...well.

    wait a few days....

    it should come out the other end.  


    it is possible that it will croak instead.   :[  *ribbit*

    ((croak-frog     ribbit-frog))

    get it?

  8. Im sure shes fine, you should just watch her and see how it goes. If she has diarhia then somethings up. but if shes doing okay then i wouldnt stress about it but i dont blame u its a big deal.

               Best wishes to u and your bunny!

  9. As long as the rubber was not that big it should be fine. My rabbit once chewed an rabber botton of the remote and he was ok. If your rabbit dose not eat or drink or has problems deficating then take it to the vet.

  10. You need to monitor her carefully. If she stops eating pooping, or if anything seems off, you need to take her into the vet as an emergency.

    My guess is that she will just pass it.

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