
Please Help me... Nameless dog...?

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I just got a new puppy for my son..... OK i really got him for me.. LOL but to get to the point he came with the name s***w and i already have a dog named MIA and it just sounds wierd when i call both of them "s***w MIA" and also my son is 2 and can not pronounce alot of things so he says JEW.. Can someone please help me with a name that is easier for my son to say and something that fits him.. he is a black and white dauchtsand mix.... but looks just like a dauchtsand..




  1. how about oscar

  2. I like the name Max. You can also call the dog something you kid can pronounce like "cookie" or something.

  3. Oreo (what kid can't say that?  HA!)




    Soccer ball



  4. Yeah, s***w is a bit weird.  Go with something you like, something that sounds okay for a dog, and something you don't mind yelling at the top of your lungs.  Write down a list of your favorite names, narrow it down to 3 and take a family vote.  And ask your son again...he may come up with a different name he likes.  But, keeping with the hardware, you could always go with Bolt.

  5. Wally is pretty easy to say, and its a cute name too :)  

  6. What is his personality like?  Choose a name that personifies his personality.  Or choose a name of a favorite sports figure or cartoon figure or the name of someone in a favorite movie or book.  What you name him can be anything you like.  I agree that s***w is not a very good name and it should be changed.  You might want to try some names out with your son to see if he can say them before you decide on one.  Try to avoid using those names that always seem to be give to dachshunds like Oscar Meyer, Weiner, Hotdog, Fritz, etc.  What about something like Rider, short for Lowrider?  Or Phelps for the Olympic champion swimmer?  With his coloring, Puzzle might be a good name or Pie, short for piebald.  The sky is the limit when choosing a name for your dog, just don't be limited by the usual.

  7. My black and white dog's name is Hoobie. I love that name. Feel free to use it.

    Also knew a dog named Spanner, which was cute.

  8. yea, like u called ur dog s***w, u made thaT up to say something funny.but it wass funny, ill give u that.

    if u want weird names, how about Domino?

  9. Bennie/ben


    those are cute and easy to say

    p.s. my friend has a guineapig names Mia!

  10. Hi,   I personally don't like to change dog names but that one has to go.  If I have to change it I try to find something that rimes so as not to confuse the dog with a totally different name. Sooo... how about little chewy. or just chewy.  Good luck.  

  11. Joe Schmoe. it's a fun name for kids to pronounce.

    Buck. from the novel Call of the Wild

    Bob. DUH!

    Mat. after me.

  12. Haha, I had a dog named Bubba (although that may be a bit too redneck for some of you) I had a fried who had two dogs and he named them Benjy and Duke.

  13. What about Max?

    Then you would have Max and Mia

    Or duke.


    Just a few suggestions.  Yeah definately change it from s***w anything would be better

  14. first. don't name your new pup's name that sounds like your dog Mia.

    i have a dog Murphy (but he's a chocolate lab). i find that kids don't have trouble saying that.

    or you can go to a dog naming site.

    go to

    or just google "dog names"


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