
Please Rate my Monarch Deck?

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This is my new monarch deck.

Total: 45

Monsters: 29

3 Caius

2 Mobius

1 Raiza

2 Zaborg

2 Jinzo

2 Cyber Dragon

3 Nimble Momonga

3 Hydrogeddon

3 Spell Striker

2 Mystic Tomato

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Sangan

1 Treeborn Frog

2 Gravekeeper's Spy

1 Spirit Reaper

Spells: 11

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

3 Soul Exchange

1 Brain Control

1 Premature Burial

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Smashing Ground

1 Reinforcement of the Army

Traps: 5

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

2 Waboku

1 Ultimate Offering

I hope this deck is a little better than the last one. Just tell me if i need to make any adjustments, and rate please. I hope you guys like it.




  1. You.




  2. loser!!!!!!!!!!

    no one plays with cards anymore!!


    they should seriously like

    be extict [sp, ithink]

  3. i've rather stay away from it if i were you.

  4. one time i was like at this park thing and i was like wow look at those birds in the sky i didnt what to say anything to them cus i know birds dont talk ( or do they ) but anyways i hate birds and school i hate this girl well not hate i dislike this girl in my 3rd hour class shes a ********* yep and she so weird like htis one day i was not in the mood for icecream so i ate a fly isnt it funny that when you spell ate if you switch the words around you spell eat which is the same thing isnt hat cool but anyways i like this one person and wow i once saw this big bear thing on tv and it was so big i thought it was gonna pop out of the t.v like that movie the ring at least i think it was the ring but whatever i like it when OMG!! i just relized i saw this one girl and she dressed like a monkey or she looked like a monkey today in skool this girl that was  in linen in frontn or mem smelt likek p**p!!EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! p**p how grose is that ok i dontn know how to spell grose i think thats how u spell it but anywasys i hope i answered ur   ?

  5. Try this

    Monsters: 21

    x1 D.D.Crow

    x1 Spirit Reaper

    x1 Snipe Hunter

    x1 Sangan

    x3 Gravekeeper's Spy

    x2 Cyber Dragon

    x1 Treeborn Frog

    x2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

    x1 Marshmallon

    x1 D.D.Warrior Lady

    x3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

    x3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

    x1 Mobius the Frost Monarch

    Spells: 11

    x1 Swords of Revealing Light

    x1 Heavy Storm

    x2 Book of Moon

    x1 Monster Reborn

    x1 Premature Burial

    x1 Brain Control

    x3 Soul Exchange

    x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    Traps: 8

    x3 Dimensional {Prison

    x1 Mirror Force

    x1 Trap Dustshoot

    x2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    x1 Torrential Tribute

    Side Deck: 15

    x2 Royal Decree

    x2 Royal Oppression

    x2 Jinzo

    x2 Vanity's Fiend

    x1 Legendary Jujitsu Master

    x3 Kinteic Soldier

    x3 Pulling the Rug

    With this deck you have the perfect mix of monarch domination and tribute monsters. The side deck can eaisly counter many dominating decks in this format. Also, don't listen to those morons. They have nothing better to do then to post on questions that they know nothing about.

  6. crazy good

  7. I play a Monarch deck and though I play some different cards, like Solemn Judgment, Dark Bribe, Destiny Hero Defender, chainsaw insect... I have to say its pretty good

    The only suggestion I have is less monsters....But still very good



  9. take out the -2Gravekeeper's Spy +1 mashmalon and +1 jinzo and swap the -3hydrogetions for +3petin the dark clown  there dark and the are a wall and can be used for a tribute for casuis


    hope this helps

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