
Please an advice?

by  |  earlier

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Would you give an advice to anyone, even if you know your advice would not be taken into consideration?




  1. yes, I have nothing to lose, they might have something to think about or consider that might do them good later on

  2. If i have an advice which will not hurt this person , and is not against his believes , and is good for him (in my opinion) , I will give him this advice,


  3. yes sure but when you r asked for an advice or when u think u must make some stuff more obvious

    sometimes it may become annoying to keep giving advices about the same thing and not caring about how the one whom ur advising feels

  4. Of course! I can't help it, I have to tell people how to run their life.

    because I'm opinionated and I believe that my way is the only way to do things.

  5. hmm depends.. if its someone very close to me then of course I would. But if the person didnt matter to me I wouldnt because it then would only cause a problem.

  6. Yes I would...maybe if they hear it out of me they would listen and maybe they would eventually take it into consideration

  7. If you are asked do give your advice, do.

    When you plant a seed something grows.

    One must not even listen to hear.....

  8. yeah i would even if i know they wont follow it, i cant sit and watch someone do something and like id feel bad and later u know they will blam eu for it even if they know themselves they wouldnt have listened to u, people tend to like to blame others for their own issues

  9. Yes  ...knowing full well I will be ignored !

    Eat less , exercise more & drink plenty of water !

    edit..yeah , almost forgot till Reiko reminded me ....give up the f**s !

  10. yeah because then when that person didnt follow my advice i could say at least i tried

    if i dont say anything then ill feel bad
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