
Please answer, things to sell?

by Guest61780  |  earlier

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My friend and I are having a garage sale to raise money for a school trip, and we are also selling some homemade crafts such as:


-Friendship Bracelets

-Hair clips

-Rear-View Mirror Decorations


-Soda Tab Necklaces

-Decorated Candles

-Homemade Notebooks

What are some other simple, crafty things that we could make to sell?




  1. buy cheap flip flops & cut lots of strips of bright colorful cloth, then tie it around the top of the shoe. It looks really cool if you've ever seen it done. :)

  2. Make some bags out of old jeans.  Pencil holders, cute erasers (the sculpty eraser clay), and umm....decorated pens

    take a ballpoint pen (the cheap kind

    take the ink out of it so that you are just left with the plastic

    cover it with fimo clay (the kind you bake)

    bake it as directed

    let cool and put ink back in

    You have a cute and unique pen.

  3. You could make some pillow case bags!

    Buy some cheap, vintage pillowcases and get sewing! You can decorate them with some badges or sew on patches of material.

    Good luck with your sale!

  4. You could make flower pens. Get cheap ballpoint pens, fake flowers, and green floral tape. Take a flower and tape it on the pen and cover with floral tape. Put them in a vase and it looks like a bouquet of flowers.

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