
Please answer help really needed?

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I want to finish high school and get my degree but I also want to become a singer and I really want to go to the performing arts high school in nyc but i live in stl i got one more year till i start high school but i don't know if my mom will move or let me move to nyc.




  1. Moving for something like that, even though it's important to you, may not be conceivable for your mom. After all she has a job and social circle that you need to consider.

    See if she'll let you go to some sort of performing arts intensive for high school students over the summer or you could see if she'll let you take music lessons. Start looking at Universities that focus on fine arts and see what the requirements will be. Trust me, even though you might not think so, you have plenty of time to pursue this career.

  2. Well, you are kinda stuck unless your mom agrees to this. Have you talked to her about this? Could she even afford to either send you there or move you both? Have you looked into scholarships for tuition? There is a huge difference between St. Louis and New York. As a parent myself, I would me against letting a 15 yr old moving there by him/herself. And if your mom cant or wont move too, you may just have to wait till after graduation and head out there on your own for college. All you can do right now is talk with mom and see.

  3. Hi!

    Becoming a singer is a hard thing to do, but if thats what you really want to do, it doesn't neccecarily mean you have to go to THAT particular preforming arts high school in NYC. It might not be fair to your mom to ask her to move to Nyc, especially if you guys have lived a long time in seattle or are comfortably settled there. And as far as moving to NYC by yourself, well, considering your age I don't think thats possible unless you have a relative in NYC.

    Look for preforming arts high schools in your area, or special programs.

    Alot of times there are also talent seekers that accept auditions from students that want to become professional preformers, and they help them reach that point.

    To sum it up, look for things around where you live, you might be surprised. If your heart is set on NYC, talk to your mom about it.

    Who knows? anything is possible.

    Good luck!

  4. Hard to know what the question is here.  And where is stl?

  5. well i doubt you will get to move to nyc, my parents will barely let me move there even when i graduate college! haha, but really, there are plenty of boarding arts schools, and im sure there is a performing arts school in St louis, thats a huge arts town.  however, take a look at the interlochen school for the arts in michigan, which is an excellent school for singing, as well as the idyllwild school for the arts in california.  theres also walnut hill, in boston i believe.  otherwise, look for some private or magnate schools in the area that focus on arts, or at least have a good arts program.

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