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Ok, so i am a teenager and i want to give my room sort of a zen/feng shui/karma-ish feeling and look. I don't want to completely redo it or anything. Nothing that costs a lot of money. But what are some ideas I could use to make it like this? I just want something kind of peaceful in this style, without completely redoing it or anything. I know I can put like some incense and stuff like that in it, but what else can I do?




  1. hmmm....

    I would say your best bet is to try and move some stuff around. A while ago I just rotated my bed 90 degrees so it faced a different direction and it made all the difference. I had a lot more space in my room as well. The bedstead was crappy and one day it broke when my dad jumped on it, so now i just have a mattress on the floor. I love it. it makes everything look a lot simpler and I love having my bed close to the floor.

    you might try and find some cute artwork as well; I know that the last time I was in urban outfitters I found all these really cute little canvas paintings for something like $12.

    it's worth a shot.

  2. nothing. unless u pay of course.. nothing comes free.
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