
Please can someone help?

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Hiya, i posted this yesterday with a different question title, but nobody answered...please help!

3 months ago i bought a dog. She was kept outside along with about 50 other dogs in a cage. Now, every day her and my other dog go out on a walk. She always yaps and cries when we put her lead on and go out of the door. She also starts yapping again when we get out of the car, at the park and when we return home again. We gave her chance to get used to the walks but doing it every day for three months is quite a long time, so by now we thought she would be used to it. My other dog never yaps at all.

We have tries spraying her with water, everything!! A mussel would not help because she whines through her nose!

Please can anyone give us ideas of how to shut her up, its embarrassing and annoying!!


Sammy x




  1. You do not say whether she is doing this out of excitement or because she is distressed, whether she is an adult dog or puppy?????????

  2. Sounds like your pup was never introduced to the leash the proper way. Many owners over look this little exercise because they think all dogs are able to walk on a leash out of instinct or something. It sounds like your guy also has negative associations out of past experiences or forced walks into the great big scary world. Often pups that come out of puppymills or horders are WAY under socialized and the outside world is terrifying.

    Try to make the leash and walks a positive thing, use lots of treats, reintroduce the leash as a positive thing utilizing positive training methods, lots of treats. When your guys is able to use the leash in the house, it's time to move to the front yard or porch depending on what your guy is able to do then as your guy starts feeling more comfortable move outside the yard with it on. Take it in baby steps.

  3. Hey just take the dog to the vet they will help you, or if they don't they will send somewhere else which might be able to help. Or maybe she doesn't like the park or going to the park with other dogs.

  4. well you have to  understand she was kept with fifty other dogs and she that probably contributed to her behavior but I would consult with a dog trainer and spraying with a hose was the wrong thing to do and they also have bark collars to help with this

  5. Your dog is obviously not used to walking on a leash. How sad she was kept in a cage with 50 other dogs.

    Spraying her with water and putting a muzzle on only makes her more scared.

    I would say an obedience-training is the best for your dog. The trainer will know what to do with your dog and how to win her confidence and make her more confident in all sorts of situations. Good luck !

  6. When you first put a leash and collar on your puppy, she probably resisted and maybe even sat and refused to budge. Later, as she got used to the leash, she may have started pulling, stopping, or turning suddenly. All dogs need lessons in good leash behavior. They are not instantly instilled with these skills just because you put a collar and leash on them.

    Check out this link for some more helpful tips:

  7. Ensure she has had a check up from the veterinarian to ensure she is healthy and has had her vaccinations then please seek the professional consult from a qualified canine behaviourist as they can give you much more help and assistance from the people on yahoo answers. Good luck.

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