
Please define gross motor skills?

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Please define gross motor skills?




  1. Gross motor skills are skills using major muscles. Students who have trouble with gross motor skills usually receive physical therapy. This link has lots of information on gross motor

  2. Any movement that requires the use of the large muscle groups...running, jumping, skipping, bike riding, and many more

  3. Large muscle movements vs. fine motor skills which are small muscle movements.

  4. Motor skills are motions carried out when the brain, nervous system, and muscles work together. Fine motor skills are small movements — such as grabbing something with your thumb and forefinger — that use the small muscles of the fingers, toes, wrists, lips, and tongue. Gross motor skills are the bigger movements — such as running and jumping — that use the large muscles in the arms, legs, torso, and feet.

  5. Gross motor includes large muscle movement. Some examples are movement with your core, jumping, running etc.    Things to look for: Can a child throw a tennis ball while taking a step with the other foot. Other examples; they way they sit in a chair. Do they sit up straight, do they hold their head up on their own. The way they walk, do they walk on on their toes, do their swing while they take a step. The list continues, if you think you child has issues with Gross motor see you Occupational Therapist.

  6. apart from the examples listed, bear in mind that gross motor skills is a developmental concept. which means that at certain age, the child is expected to do certain movement.

    for example, at age 1, child is expected to sit up for more than 5 minutes, etc . at age 2, child is expected to jump, walk along a straight line, walk 3 steps backwards.

    gross motor skills requires alot of balance and coordination, including limbs and eye.

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