
Please give me some advice...?

by  |  earlier

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ok long story short i had my last bcpill pack in march 08 and had a normal period everything went as expected. april, may and june i had no period, and no symptoms of a period.. nothing. my obgyn put me on provera to induce it and it worked. that was the 2nd week in july. it is now 40 days since my last period and im just wondering if i should worry. not about pregnancy cuz hubby uses condoms, but should i worry if i have a problem with my period and reproductive organs. everything ive read says it can take up to 6 months to regulate and im getting close to that.

please answer and give me some advice. before when ive posted on here only 1 or 2 people would answer.

Thank you in advance!!!




  1. First of all, condoms are only 96% effective. Secondly, you should ask your doc again because this could be serious. Also, what kind of bc were you on because my loestrin 24 makes my periods come less often and even when I stopped it, I didn't have a period for 3 months but my doc said that happens sometimes, Like a residual effect of the pill.

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