
Please help, acne??

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ok so i wouldn't say that i have bad acne, but i would say that i have mild acne on my forehead, chin side of my face (both sides), cheeks (under my eyes), on my nose and around it. i have tried every thing, and nothing seems to work. i have tried ProActive (which sucked, if i didn't use it for a day my face got all dry and even worse), i have tried acne free, clean and clear, nutragena, and nothing really worked. for clean and clear i used the 3 step kit thingy, and for nutragena i used the oil free acne wash foam clenser and it didn't work, it just made my skin really dry and nasty. PLEASE HELP, my frist day of school is coming up and i don't want to have acne. i go to a school were all the girls are pretty and have nice skin, and then there is me. so any help? anything will help even if you tell me some products by clean and clear, nutrigena that worked for you. or other products. even home remedys will help!!!!!




  1. Try looking in to Skin ID - It's an individual acne program.

    A lot of the acne medication is going to dry out your skin.

    It's how it kills the bacteria - :(

    You may want to drink a lot more water, take vitamins + a e and c while you fight your acne. Be sure to use the toner which helps balance your skin.

    How about small doses of the sun - it helps acne and adds a little color to your face (don't burn yourself).

    Personally there isn't any home remedies that help fight acne.

    Stick to fighting it head on twice a day.

  2. I am fighting same problem,and i am 21!It is such pain in a** i know it,i jave tried everything and it was even worse.Acnes on the ares you have,and me too are appearing beacause of discharge in hormons,it is sign you have more male hormons,don't affraid it is normal,you should visit ginecologist,usually antibaby pills help with hormons,but also try next,it helped me,wash face with water only,no wshing gels,soaps....just warm water,dry it with soft towel but don't rub face.Before you go to sleep 3 nights on all face apply Hydrocyclin dermal cream,after third night apply it only on places you have acnes,and over a layer of Hidrocyclin put layer of ZnO cream(zinc-oxyd vream) on the rest of face where skin is healthy and cal put some baby vitamin cream(the best is Dr.Pavlovic cream,made in Serba,but if you haven't it  any baby vream should be good),but some compact baby cream,not hydrant,it will help to recover broken places where you had acne,or to make skin to repair acne blemushes and scars.In the morning just wash face with water again,avoid peeling masks,if you really need to do it than make peeling cream do not use chemical industry ones.Avoid scrubbing and peeling face for a while,if you really need do it sometimes use corn flower,but rub soft,and rrarelly.Belive me this helped me,maybe you won't notice result in start,but use constantly this treatment,it is annoying but helps,Protect bad sheet with some old towel,cause oh hydrociclin cream,it left yellow spots but they are washable.Avoid make up foundations for a while,unless you have something really special.And use only powder foundations not liquid,i recomend PUPA powder cake.good luck,and remember no one really notice them like you do,you know where to look at when you see yourself in the mirrow


  4. sorry i dont want to be mean but


    the whol epoint of the cleansers is to dry out your skin so no oils are on it and therefore drying out the spots to make them disapper


    so the best thing to do is use 1 not 3 4 or 2, 1 cleanser of your choice and use it twice a day

    then wash off with warm soapy water and dry of gently

    so basicaly just dab the towl on your face ok

    please you have to use the products twice a day for 2 months for a complete effect the key is to be consistent

  5. Beware of using any acne products unless they have been prescribed or recommended by your doctor.  People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne.  Some cures I’ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, tea tree oil, cucumber, vinegar, milk of magnesia or toothpaste on your face.  Practically every cosmetics company and company that makes personal care products makes something that is a “sure cure” for acne.  If we think about this, and use some common sense, we have to come to the conclusion that there is no quick or easy cure for acne, because if there was it would be well known and doctors would be telling everyone about it.  

    Numerous companies make a lot of money persuading people to buy products that at worst will make the acne worse, and at best may help some people a little.  Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne much worse by using too many products.  There really is no quick fix for acne.  Don’t spend a lot of money on products just because their ads say that they will cure acne.  Your doctor is the best person to ask for help, and he or she may recommend some prescription medication or non-prescription treatment that may be suitable for you..  

    There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing.  Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean.  Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that.  Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue.   Drink plenty of water – it really does help to clear up acne.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  A healthy life style will make a difference.  Try to reduce the stress in your life – stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.  

    Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.  

    Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.

  6. i love answering these questions, because i know i can help :D

    at the beginning of this summer i was desperate for an acne solution that would clear my skin. so desperate that i almost got a prescription for accutane. while reading stories about accutane, i decided to go on google and i simply typed in acne. and i found daniel kern, the creator of is my hero. i was skeptical of his regimen at first, but i read the many of the thousands of thank you letters people had sent him, telling him how wonderful his products worked and it cleared their skin. the skin problems range from mild to severe cystic acne and his routine has cleared them all.

    they are all over the counter products, surprisingly, but thats good because they dont cost much at all

    the regimen is

    -wash face in morning with Cetaphil (or another gentle cleanser)

    dont scrub your face with a cloth, just wash gently with your fingers for about 10 seconds

    -gently dry your face off

    -put a good amount of Benzoyl Peroxide all over your face using

    only your fingers

    wait for it to dry and then

    -put on a moisturizer (i use neutrogena moisturizer for combination skin)

    thats the routine i do twice a day and my skin looks amazing


    and its guaranteed to work

    but go to and read it for yourself :)


  7. i had alott too. get cucumber face mask peel off. its reallly good. put it onece a day.

    it workss very weel. proactive didnt work for me[:

    TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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