
Please help! Friend or more?

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Please help! Friend or more?

Okay so this guy used to be like your best guy mate before you ended up in different classes and grew apart. You still see each other and talk but you're not as close. You miss him like crazy. He's right there but it feels as if there's a piece of glass inbetween you, stopping you. Anyway, lately he's been giving shifty looks, hanging around more, paying more attention, you just generally giving the impression that he likes you. Not all that obviously but if you knew him you'd understand it as being his way of trying to "woo" you. None of your friends have caught on (they're his friends too) but one of your teachers mentioned something to you about it. You've been accused of flirting before but you weren't doing so on purpose, you were just friends. Anyway, my question is how do you talk to him about it? I mean, without sounding like an idiot. Because he may not even like you. You're loving being closer again but you don't want to have all these confusing emotions surrounding the friendship. What do you do? I don't even know whether I want just his friendship or something more!

Sorry if that confused you, haha. Thank you.

Oh and we're both 15, if that helps.




  1. your too young to be on here come back when you sixteen

  2. you should talk to him because some times your best friend could be what your lookin for ..and i know the feeling of not wanting to make it odd but if you don't say something then u could miss out on him .. they don't always wait forever .. dont let anyone tell you,your to young because you have feelings to no matter what the age

  3. Ignore the other answer. It's completely normal and a part of being a teen.

    Anyway, I managed to not get too confused lol but I think you need to talk to him. I know it's hard because you're not sure if he likes you like that. Maybe start off by saying that you're glad that you and him are friends/close again because you really missed having him around, if it sounds like he really missed having you around too then it'll make it easy to carry on the conversation. You could ask him if he could ever imagine the two of you in a relationship in the future, but that might be a bit out there.

    I know this is very immature, but you could ask one of your friends to ask him if he likes you. That way you're not going to embarrass yourself or him.

    You could just wait it out and see if he begins to flirt with you more.

    Good luck!


  4. Yeah i agree get a friend 2 ask him. That y we have them so they can help us in our hour of need :)

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