
Please help. Is my cat okay?

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I love this cat so much and my parents don't care at all. They hate this cat. Shes bleeding out of the ears and white stuff its coming out of them too. Her eye is swelled up and she wont get up. Shes only 7 years old. Please, is this normal? please help me.... please...




  1. Remind your parents that denying medical treatment to a sick pet is a crime. Tell them if they don't get the cat to a vet, you will call the SPCA to come for her and they could be charged with animal neglect. Poor kitty. If you don't have an SPCA, animal control will do the same thing. Don't think of it as turning your parents in, think of it as getting your kitty the help she needs.

  2. This is definately not normal.  Something is wrong and she needs a vet's help.  Call the vet first thing in the morning to see if there is anything you can do at home.  Otherwise, get someone to take you and her to the vet.  Tell the vet it is an emergency.  

         Stay calm and the best thing you can do right now is love her.  Believe me, I have been in your shoes (not the same symptoms, but with a very sick pet....she didn't die even though I thought she would in my arms too.)  Honestly, right now, just love her and pray for her.  And I hate to be negative, but if she were to die, she will do so knowing how much you loved her, which is important.  Let your parents know how upset yo are and how much you love her.  Let them see your pain and tears and hopefully they care for you enough to help you help her.  Pet her, love her, and Pray.

        good luck. <3

  3. Sounds like she was in a fight.  

  4. You need to take this cat to the vet immediately. Bleeding out of the ears is never a good sign. The 'white stuff' and the swelling indicates some sort of infection, but I can't tell you for sure what is wrong. Try to find anyone at all who can drive you and your cat to the vet - grandparents, a friend, a sibling..

    If you can't find a way to get to the vet, you need to call animal control. As hard as it will be for you, if they put the cat to sleep it will not be suffering like it is now. Please consider this option if you can't get to the vet, it's so much better for the cat than dying slowly. I hope things work out for you and your cat.

  5. this is DEFINITELY not normal!

    it could be a busted ear drum...?

    or maybe even a bad case of ear mites!

    OR Hematoma of the ear..

    she needs a vet and quick!

  6. take her to the freakin vet!!!!!  my parent's suck at being pet owners too.  If you want your cat to live, you need to take charge. don't wait for your parents to do anything

  7. That sounds awful! The white stuff might be pus, which is a sign of infection! Shout at your parents until they take her to the vet, because this is serious. Best of luck, and if your parents are smart they will show some pity.

  8. No honey, this is NOT normal and it is NOT OK.

    If you can't take her to the vet and your parents won't help. Ask a friend's parents or a neighbor or other family member to help you.

    I can't tell you what's wrong with your cat because I'm not there to see it and I'm not a vet. But it sounds like she has some kind of really bad infection going on and she is clearly suffering if she is unable to get up and has blood coming from her ears.

    She is in urgent need to see a vet, not taking her is cruel.

    Until you can get someone to help you, keep her warm. Wrap her in a soft towel or blanket and keep her quiet. Don't try to feed her or force her to drink water. Just keep her warm and quiet and find someone to help you.

    There are always emergency vets that are open 24 hours ... look one up in the yellow pages or online. I've had to run to the emergency 24 hour vet more than once with one of my animals. Your parents are being downright cruel for not getting this cat the care it needs.

    Wrap her up, keep her warm and hold her so she knows you are close. Talk to her, let her know you're with her and she isn't alone.

    Look up the number for the emergency vet clinic, there HAS to be one somewhere unless you live in a very desolate rural area. Call them and ask them what to do, explain to them what is going on. Put them on the phone with your parents if you have to.

    I wish you the best of luck, I'm sorry your kitty is suffering so much.

  9. This is totally F'd up.  Get the cat to the vet. If you can't afford it then you need to put up flyers for somebody who can. This is so sad and I can't believe I'm reading this c**p! They have emergency vets, call all around!


  10. As tough as it may be, try to remain calm.  Cats take their cues from their people.  If you are acting upset, it will get the cat even more upset.  

    If your parents won't take the cat to an emergency vet or an animal hospital, ask your neighbors or your friends' parents.  And if none of the shelters in your area are still open at this hour, call animal control.  You can Google the animal control for your city.  

    The important thing is to get your cat the care it needs immediately.

    Be strong, little one.  For her sake.

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