
Please help me. I'm scared!?!?!?

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Well, first off. I'm depressed (clinically) and so I never want to do anything.

So, I never feel like brushing my teeth, etc. I do every now and then. But I always just - skip it.

So, this morning I woke teeth HURT. my bottom row (in the front) only and a few of them possibly feel loose. What can I do?

This is a serious question. Please help me. I'm 16.




  1. well the pain COULD be just from the acid of you throwing up all the time. You might have an infection though, wich you don't want. An infection in your gums can spread and lead to serious problems. Brush your teeth!! If your that lazy to do it 2x a day, do it at least once a day in the morning! I would definatly go to the dentist on monday. you need to get them checked and get on antibiotics if it is an infection. In the mean time get a listerien mouth wash (the original yellow one works best in your case) and rinse out your mouth for 1 minute every few hours to keep more bacteria away from your gums. ESPECIALLY after you throw up. the reason your teeth feel loose is because of your gums, if you need anything else email me

  2. Well you should really go to the dentist for your teeth.But for your depression, friends and food would help.Have a shoulder to cry on.Cheers!;)

  3. My best advice would be that you need to see a dentist. They will help you with your teeth questions. Since you feel depressed and all, you need to talk to a therapist. Take care of yourself

  4. ok waking up and thinking your teeth are loose if totally normal.

    you might have gingivitus or another gum disease... you should go to your dentist  

  5. Please don't neglect your teeth. I have a few false teeth and believe me, you never get used to them. Your are too young not to look after your teeth. To replace your teeth is extremly expensive. Perhaps if you brushed your teeth first thing in the morning, it would make you feel better and that might be an incentive to get on with things.

  6. There are many things you can do to help treat your depression.

    Moderate exercise for at least 20 - 30 minutes, daily, and up to an hour. Brisk walking is good, and try to be mindful of the feeling your foot makes as it hits the ground: it is a relaxation technique. Also use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2.c, 2.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2.q, 2.o, and section 53, at whichever works best for you.

    Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. Also take a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin; a deficiency in vitamin B9 (folic acid, or folate) is known to cause depression. Around 30% - 40% of depressed people have low vitamin B12 levels. Depressed females using the contraceptive pill may benefit from vitamin B6 supplements.

    Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain). As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St. John's wort, (the strength varies, but the supplier should be using a standardised hypericin content, so follow the directions) or supplements, such as SAMe, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55 at ezy-build ).

    Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy. Co-counselling is shown in the first 3 pages of section 2, or online therapy, or even talking with someone you feel comfortable with, and a much more detailed post is on page R.

    Consult an endodontist. I am depressed too, but I use effective treatments, as above, and force myself to brush and floss, even though, like the exercise I do: I really hate it, but I know it's good for me.

  7. Sounds like there might be more going on. Are you anorexic or bulemic? Just skipping brushing your teeth shouldn't lead to that.

    P.S. Thanks for the clarification. If your teeth are actually loose, you might have some kind of bone loss in your lower jaw due to an infection, etc. Please see a dentist ASAP! You will likely be referred to an endodontist.

  8. well sorry about ur depression sometimes i feel that way im 16 as well im just waiting for high school to end thats just depression its self.ill be praying for you and i hope life for u turns out better.

  9. gums are just any other skin they can get bumped or bruised or sore sometimes, and it heals up in a few days.  I've had moments like this before where my teeth feel sore or loose and my gums hurt, and I freak out.  But it always goes away the next day.  The pain you describe is not the same thing as a cavity, so I don't think it has too much to do with how often you brush your teeth.  Yeah your gums would probably be healthier if you did, but I don't think you've given yourself some awful disease or anything.

    All the same, yeah, brush your teeth more, or it will go that direction.

    In the meantime, tell me about depression?  Are you treating it at all?  That seems to be the bigger issue here.

  10. my son had the same symptoms that scared him at your age.  I believe anxiety can cause physical reactions in the body.

    You may not be taking care of yourself and your body is letting you know that.

    It's very old advice but if you get enoughsleep, eat good whole foods and lay off the sugar and preservatives, and gets some form of exercise, this wWill help you deal with your anxiety.

    My son saw a good counselor that gave him tools to handle his anxiety.  He started eating a balanced healthy diet and began walking and running.  

    Start volunteering, when you are focused on others, you can't focus on yourself.

    Seek out a church youth group in your area because having community around you is so important to your mental health.

    4 years later my son is doing well.

    Hang in there and make yourself and your health a priority.

  11. I would advise you to do something that makes you happy everyday and that will relieve the depression that your facing. Also, you need to understand that brushing your teeth is important because you will need them for the rest of your life and also you don't want a bad odor coming from your mouth when your talking to people. I would advise you to brush your teeth and ask your mother to schedule a dentist checkup so that the dentist can decide what to do regarding your teeth. Glad I could help.

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