
Please help me !!!!!?

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I have an older brother who's 23. He moved to Texas in January, and he had a job, but my parents paid for everything (rent, gas, groceries, bills). He moved back home last month, and still doesn't have a job. He doesn't even look. Im so sick of this. He's a spoiled brat, and my parents do NOTHING. All he wears is designer clothes (True Religion, Seven for All Mankind, Gucci, Lacoste, etc.), and my other brother and I are wearing like Abercrombie and Gap. I'm not complaining about that, but I don't get why we can't have those things. My parents also have the nerve to complain that money is tight, so they can't spend it on my other brother and I as much anymore, but they can spend it on our brother? It's SO frusterating! Oh, and then when he moved back, they bought him a NEW car (he had a 06 Jeep Commander), a Audi A6!!! I don't even have a car! I haven't gotten new jeans in 6 months, and he bought two new pairs of Rock and Republics yesterday. I'm so fed up with this, I can't take it anymore. How do I make my parents realize that they are spoiling the $hit out of him, and although I don't mind not being spoiled, I would like them to spend SOME on me and my brother.

Oh, and please don't tell me "be happy with what you have". I am happy, but wouldn't you be annoyed if your parents did this to you too?




  1. wow

    tht would bother me alot too

    tell ur brother to look for a job

    try to explain to ur parents tht u feel like were not treated the same.

  2. It sound like your parents are playing favoritism, and you need to talk to them about it. Does he share both of the same biological parents that you do?If he doesn't that may be a reason. If they don't see anything wrong with what they are doing just use reverse psychology on them and say, "I think I am adopted and I would like to know who my real parents are." They may laugh, but if you come at them on a serious note, you and your other brother, then they will realize what they are doing is wrong. It may also depend on you and your other brothers; grades, age, and activities in school. I know my Dad rewarded my siblings and I with more materialistic things if we participated in activities, instead of just coming home after school and laying around the house.

    Good Luck, I hope you parents come to their senses!!

  3. Ok, I got a good idea. You should punch your brother right in the noggin.

    This does suck. I'd be mad.

  4. Key their cars.....

  5. yes

  6. Honestly sweetie, coming from one sister to another that's been in your shoes. There is nothing you really can do except talk to your parents and point out the obvious to them. But remember, dont talk at them, talk to them, and dont turn it into a fight. In a family with multi siblings, trust me, I've seen it over and over, there is always one that is the spoiled brat and we cant do anything about it. Sucks I know, but'll all come back to bite them in the back side.

  7. well i think your parents are playing favorites and they like him more than they like you and your brother.You need to tell them they need to stop spoiling him and buying you and your brother some jeans and stuff.if they can buy him a car then things must not be tight.

  8. Jealous! aha it's ok i happens to me too. you get Abercrombie and Gap? i get Hanes, Stafford and Solo you got it better i shop at Thrifty

  9. sounds like your older brother is getting treated like a king ! that would really tick me off also. Why don't you sit your parents down and tell them how you feel ? It might make them realize what they're doing. I don't think that his free ride will last to long though, they'll get sick of it eventually.

  10. I have an older brother who was the favorite of our mother... she made it very well known that he was her favorite...he went to college on money my parents gave him while my younger brother and I paid for our own college....  My older brother was always "babied" by my mom and now, he is a 60 year old who hasn't worked in almost 20 years, lives off the government, wasted his education and his life.. and lives like a poor hermit... I guess he got paid back in life for what he was given as a child... while my younger brother and I married, worked all our lives, supported our children and made something of our lives... I have since retired and am well enough off not to worry... SO,  maybe your older brother is heading down that same path.... you might be better off just leaving things as they are and watching the chips fall where they may later.

  11. OMFG yes i would be pissed...jst tell him to get his on life and stop suckin off his parents! lol man that would be how do u live like that!!!?!? lol :) but anyways BE HAPPY WITH WAT U HAVE :) lol jp tell him out straight jst cus hes ur bro doesnt mean u cant talk to him straight out :)

  12. I would be pretty P.O.ed, but maybe you should just sit them down and tell them you need to have a serious talk with them. Explain to them that you feel left out, and that you feel like your brother is exactly what you said. Spoiled. Tell them exactly how ou feel, and if you have to, cry. Even if it's a fake cry, just make them understand that your really upset about how they treat him different than you and your brother, and how it really bothers you. And get your brother (the one in the same boat as you) to sit with you and have him express his feelings too. Tell them it's bad parenting and stuff. Eventually, they have to come to their senses.

  13. i would slap him across the head and tell him to grow some balls

  14. hehehe

  15. My dad has done worse to me, so I am going to say "Be happy with what you have." Parents don't always make the right decisions, but who does nowadays?

  16. dont worry,my mom does the same thing to my brother,it ticks me and my other 3 brothers off,we just say "why do u like him more then us,why would u get him this and give him that"
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