
Please help me!!!..............?

by Guest57602  |  earlier

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Hello. I'm a 21 y/o female, and have had a problem for many years. I have a large tummy=( My current measurements are 34.5-31-36.

The problem has gotten worse recently since I have started birth control for irregurlar periods. I have gained 11 pounds in only a month=( I now weigh 125.5 llbs. & I'm only 5ft=( Now, not only is my tummy REALLY large but my digestive system is messed up. I have suffered from some constipation & a lot of uncomfortable gas.

Also, before starting the pill I was having ab cramps for no apparent reason. My urine tested fine.

What is wrong? What can I do?





  1. Go to your doctor and ask to be tested for Endometreosis.  This is when cysts grow in your abdomen.  Some of the symptoms are stomache pain, pain during defacation and irregular periods.  The birth control pill is supposed to make it better, but you should get checked just in case.

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