
Please help on muscular system?

by Guest63145  |  earlier

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im doing a crossword and cant find none of these words

1)wat usually results during intense muscular activity.

2)wat is one of the bones of insertion at the elbow for the triceps is this

3)the maximum sustained contraction can be described as this type of contraction

4)this is the zone that disappears when actin filaments slide(2 words)

5)this is the normal state of a muscle,with contraction

6)intense muscular activity usually results in the accumulation of ths chemical(2 words)

7)converting chemical energy into mechanical energy is the primary function of this organ

8)an organ for sight

9)you do this by using your sternocleidomastoid muscle to indicate yes

10)ths is a contractile unit of a myofibril

11)ca++ is one of these

12)another name for a muscle cell is a muscle___




  1. This is hard to answer without the crossword in front of us to see what letters are common and how long the words are.  However, I know a few of these:

    6 Lactic acid

    7 muscle (?)

    8 eye

    11 ion (?)

    12 fiber

  2. 1)cramps

    2) the triceps insert at the elbow into the ulnar bone


    6)lactic acid




    11)muscle contraction transmitter

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