
Please help??????????

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just give me your opinion on what you would do?

would you run away with your cousin and never look back? or would you stay at home where no one accepts you for you or doesn't care about you?

me and my cousin are very close even though we live 30 miles away from each other we are still very close and we keep in touch all the time. but at home its like a living h**l i hate it here and my parents want me out just as much as i want out.

i just want anyone's opinion what would you do in these situation, what decison would you make?




  1. I always dreamed of running away from home too because I felt like my home life was a living h**l.  My son is always telling us how he can't wait to leave home.  I tell him leave home while you still know it all, but i am telling you now. If i knew then what I know now, my *** would still be living in my mothers house with her rules.

  2. Do Not Run Away with ANYONE EVER !!!!!!!

    your home is the safe place on the earth.If you hate your parents so much after being  raised by them for so many years and home feels like a h**l ,what is the guarantee you wont feel the same with your cousin or anyone else.Running away is not the solution to your problems.Grass always looks greener on the other side so make a smart long term decisions Good Luck :)  

  3. if you REALLY believe that it would be worth it to run away, it might be a good idea.

    i have thought about it a lot. but im too young to do it.

    if you are old enough and have places to go, and no interest in where you are now, maybe it is a good idea.

    good luck with all this

    xox :)

  4. i'd definitely run away with my cousin.  if you feel like you don't belong and you hate it where you are you should just start fresh and this will be so good because it will be with the person your closest to. good luck :)

  5. In a backpack pack water, food (not perishable), money, and a cell phone.

    Run is better then feeling pshycologicly vulnerable.  

  6. I don't know how old you don't mention that...but I'll tell you one thing:  If you start running away from things now, you'll probably spend your whole life running away from problems.

  7. ok everyone shut up. don't ever tell a kid to run away from home if this child ends up dead his blood will be on your hands and you will stand judgement for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   look are you being abused? if so seek help by calling child portective services for help.... if you are being neglected do the same... they can legally place you with your cousin and his family. if you are being abused or neglected,  if you two run away and if your lucky and the cops find you before death does you will be arrested and that record will follow you forever... running away is never the answer... go to a church and talk to the pastor they will help you, or talk to a teacher. they legally have to notify cps if they suspect abuse or neglect.... ok now if you are of age i suggest you create and inplement some sort of plan for leaving your parents home and starting you own life.... rise above your situation and visualize what sort of life you expect for your self. be a great person inspite of your childhood. get a job and save your money. open a savings account and plan your future. work hard and be responsible. get involved in a church and pray for your family, make a plan and stick with it. when you have saved enough money then decide where you would want to go and where you would want to live and research it. look online at the job market and apply for a job where you would want to live. or simply stay in school and get into a good college and go away for college... you have options. but running away shouldn't be one of them. that is the foolish way out.  another suggestion is to simply talk to mom and dad and see if they would be open to the idea of you spending some time at cousins house just to see how it goes for everyone involved. communication is key. but what ever you do please don't ever run away. my sister once rescued a 15yr old boy who was sleeping on a bench outside the store she worked at. she brought him to me. he ran away from home he was caught and thrown in the system. he ended up in a boys home where he was sexually assulted. he ran away from the boys home. he was a mess.. i contacted the boys father, the boy had been missing for two weeks and he had only been notified a few days before that that his son was missing. i could only imagine his horror of not knowing if his son was dead or alive. he was crying so much that he could hardly get a word in edgewise... they lived 4hours away from us. but i decided i was gonna get this boy back to his father some how i checked every media amberalert poster newpaper everything and no sign of a missing boy so no authority had been informed. that ment i wouldn't get into trouble for tranporting a runaway. i really didn't care. this boy was a mess... the next day i had that boy in the safe arms of his father. they went to court that monday and the judge granted coustody back to the father and i got a citation thats an award for helping this family. he learned the hard way not to run away. please you don't want to end up like this kid yes he had a happy ending but what if my sister just kept on walking and didn't do anything. there aren't people like me and my sister on every street corner.. god was working in his favor that day... please whatever problem you have right now wouldn't compare to any problem you would have on the street... god bless you i pray you do the right thing......

  8. are u positive ur parents dont want you?or are u just going through a phase and being an awkward teenager?how old are you?if u do runaway where would u go, do u have money could u get a job? think this through first. mabe go live at ur cousins house?

  9.   You sound very upset & depressed.  I wouldn't think of running away. There are things you can do to better your situation.  Maybe your parents are stressed out, working too hard.  You should get a job and have an income.  If you want to move away you will need lots of money for food, furniture and a place to live.  At least while you are working, whatever you do, you will be spending less time at home.  You can visit your cousin on days off and when you do go home, you will not be there very long.  When you are home, don't argue or get the tempers flaring, they have a hard life too.  Keep quiet and maybe nobody will get angry.  I slept over at a friends place once and didn't think my parents would care.  They had the police looking for me.  Maybe you will meet someone nice where you work, that could change everything.  Don't give up!  Every time a door is shut, a new window opens.  Look for the open window and turn things around!

  10. you EMO and you need help. h**l just leave with your cousin. why saty home? if your legal than get the h**l out!

  11. dont run away. first off you can go to jail for it, and second cuz its really not a good choice to do, i thought about it a couple of times,but in all reality how would i live on my own?...

  12. how old is your cousin and you? you two together, can manage a life together? if your parents really want you out, and they hate you. and you really think you can manage a life and be happier then go for it. but again. age is important. people sometimes makes quick decisions when younger. wait for a while if your decision doesnt change then i would say go ahead and live in a better place, where u belong. we come to life once, have fun till like there is no tomorrow, why live in a place u will feel bad..?  
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