
Please help!!!!!!!!!!

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Why do people constantly push me away: ignoring messages, keeping phone calls short etc., but when

they see me they want to talk to me? What should I do when this happens? It's confusing!!!




  1. It means you need new friends that have more in common with you.  

  2. It may just be economics a lot of people must pay airtime on their phones maybe your not in their circle of friends plan.

  3. thats mean of them

  4. you might just be misunderstanding. they might be busy when you send messages, or don't like talking on the phone. don't stress too much about it.

  5. Maybe you annoy people by constantly messaging them, calling them, etc? But really you are a nice person? And because if you call them ,txt them, etc there is no way they can physically walk away from you talking to them.

  6. Say, "I got to go. Give me a call later."

  7. The best thing you can do to make yourself a more 'in demand' friend, is to be more aloof and to make yourself less available and seem more busy.  Stop sending text messages and calling.  The more busy you are, the more people will want you to take precious time out of your busy day to talk with them...makes them feel more special.

    It's probably not that your friends don't like you or aren't interested, but it's just a case of simple supply and demand - people want what is harder to get.  If you are the friend that is always able to be reached then you will be taken for granted.  Make yourself a little scarce and you will find that your friends are then seeking you out to chat and hang out.  

  8. Everyone like to have their own space.

    You need to respect their space.

    If you get too close to them, closer then they like you to,

    they'll push you out.

    You need to keep their comfort distance and build trust and relationship and it takes time to get closer.

    When they don't want to talk to you, you need to leave them alone.

  9. call this number:

    or tell them to:


  10. it may be because they are scared to show their real feelings are about you, a lot of ppl show there feelings in very weird ways so that may be tha case...

  11. It's all in your imagination

  12. may be u sound rude on the phone...or may be its something with ur voice..analyze!

  13. Uhhh....... d**n. Stop calling?
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