
Please help? she hates me now..?

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Well i found out this girl likes me. I found out from one of my really good friends. I told her i would go out with her once i get to know her better. Shes pretty and seems like an awesome girl from what ive seen so far (i just met her on tuesday, shes in my class). I told her we should hangout sometime.. Well this dude in our class told her i called her ugly and fat when i didn't. Now she is all upset and won't talk to me. What do i do? This dude ****** everything up. How do i fix things with her?




  1. look her straight in the eyes and tell her what you REALLY think of her. and make it sincere! good luck:]

  2. move on? but beat the **** out of the dude !

  3. well if you're a bigger guy than that idiot, you'll tell him to go and tell the truth to her and maybe she'll believe you then.    only maybe.  

  4. Go up to and tell her straight up the dude was jealous and lied.

  5. just gently go to her and explain your feeling maybe get her something nice and maybe ask the guy that told her that to tell her the truth

  6. Be honest, just say you would never call someone as (fill in the blank with a nice comment such as pretty, good looking, attractive) that. Its just a rumor. If she doesnt believe you, its her loss.

  7. okay you should totally go to the girl and explain everything to her... i know for a fact that i would pay attention to a guy about somethin like this... but if she ignores you and stuff then no offense shes really stubborn... also if she keeps ignoring you give her some space try to talk to her in about a week she may have forgotten all about this....... if this doesnt help i'm sorry...PS.... if i was you, i wold beat the **** out of that guy. :)

  8. explain to her.

  9. go up and talk to her dude.

    and if she blows u off, and u really wanna get to know her go to her friends

    but really, if nothin happens, its not a big deal

    there are at least 3 billion women in tis world.  its not that big of a deal

  10. k well i;v Had this happen to Me b4 What u need to Do (its what i did) i Just backed Away for a like 2 Weeks Until she finnaly Talked to me Then i told Her that he was lieing to u And i Basicly just Explained to her that he was lieing But idk about u But this has happend to me a few times so yea its basicly what i do when this happens i just Wait for time to heal things then slowly i start to talk to her w/e u Do dont try to Talk to her to Soon just let time heal this and she'll forget about it Trust me :)

  11. Write her a nice, sweet letter.  Explain that you never said that, and that you would like to get to know her better.   Suggest that perhaps you could sit together at lunch or something.  

    Give her an opportunity to get to know you for you - and not what someone (who is obviously jealous and interested in her too) has portrayed you as.

  12. Tell her that you like her and would never say anything bad about her.  And then tell her you want to spend time with her because you really like her alot.

  13. send email to her that's not right... be honest!

    and apology what happened.

  14. umm... yeh its obvious just hide form her... then when shes walking and has her bck to you... go up to her grab her arm and tell her you want to explain.. tell ehr how you feel and be really emotional... if she doens't believe you then... she wasn't the right one.

  15. Make her listen, anyone who makes the effort to tell a girl that he thinks something nice about her and isn't trying to get in her pants will probably be taken seriously.  Ask her to give you a chance to prove that you mean what you say.  

  16. explain to her what happened. sound as truthful as you can,take no shortcuts, have a caring truthful face, and especially have no doubt AT ALL in your eyes.

  17. after class walk up to her and tell her that you didnt call her fat and ugly and tell her you think shes very pretty and........

    Tell her the truth  or show her this

  18. If she follows hearsay instead of giving you the benefit of the doubt, then she's probably too much work anyways.  These are the pointless dramatic games that clutter our lives and should be passed over.  

  19. Tell her you never said that and hope she believes you.  

  20. i think you should go up to her and tell her you like her and that you said nothing and that some kid said that. tell her that that kid lied. then say how can i prove to you that i didnt do it. or if she still thinks yu did something. tell her how can i make it up to you then if you dont believe me. and then say sorry. after that if you guys are alone kiss her on  the cheek. tht will make her really like you. just dont ask her out the same day. thats too fast

  21. write her a note convincing her that you really didn't say it.....then give her the note during class  

            or if your comfortable enough to talk to her face to face  

    texting would be fine too cause even if she dont text back she'll read it and realize that she shouldn't really be mad          

  22. ok here is the deal, i am professional at this. Go tell her this

    "If I had asked you out technically and wanted to have some fun with you and i liked talking to you than why the h**l you think that the other guy is telling you the truth. Please think over it and trust me and let me know your decussison"  I am sure it will help...

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