
Please help...should I be worried?

by  |  earlier

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I am 35 weeks pregnant today and spent all evening yesterday having painful contractions, 5 minutes apart, that lasted about 30 seconds. I drank a lot of water and rested and they went away. But soon after, I became very nauseated and I still am right now. Every little thing I do causes me to have another contraction. Cleaning the toilet, taking clothes out of the dryer, getting up to answer the phone...Some of the contractions really hurt, and some are just tight. They still last only about 30 seconds. The baby is moving around like crazy and I have no other symptoms of anything. No mucus plug and the baby has not dropped. I see my doctor on Wednesday. Should I be worried in the mean time? Had anyone else had this happen? This is my 3rd kid and my other pregnancies were nothing like this.




  1. The same thing happened to me, quite literally the other day.

    Of course I can't be 100% sure, but to me it sounds like what I was told I have.

    I was told it was an 'irritable uterus' where I was having contractions, but not dilating at all, no baby dropping, no mucous plus etc.

    The contractions got so strong and close together, and very intense, but never started dilating me, so I was sent home.

    Perhaps it's the same thing? I'd give labor and delivery a call, they may want to check you out.

  2. Call your doctor!!! Every pregnancy is different. This could be it.  

  3. could be braxton hicks contractions.

    could be labour.

    maybe you got your dates wrong?  call your doc and see what he/she says.

    good luck :D

  4. Call the doctor!

  5. I would call the hospital or go to your doctor and see what they say.  Good luck.

  6. Maybe they are braxton hicks. However i think you should ring your hospital though, better to be safe after all.

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