
Please i need your help..?

by  |  earlier

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i have boyfriend and we been together for couple of months so far everything is fin but not really well..and the problem is that we have tagged is almost like myspace but it tagged and on his profile have alot of girl and someone them are priavte and i cant see thur and what i did i open new profile that is not me and i add some of the girls on my boyfriend profile and now that i saw it that he had send them in comment or anything as i ask him if he had talk to them as sweet or anything he say no cause im his only girl..and now that i saw it he lie i dont know what to do or ask him...please i need ur help...




  1. hehe! looks like you caught him!

    but give him the benefit of the doubt!

    so that you wouldnt be misjudging him!

    try to figure out if theres anything rlly going on between him and those girls! and there was and he was still lieing about it then you shouldnt let it be! and you should tell him that sumhow u found out what he was talking with them and u know that he was lieing and demand an explaination!

    if it was not enough then u should rlly leave him!


  2. If you expect some answers to your question, you should put it in the "relationship"section. This is the language section.

    Good luck!

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