
Please people stop giving to charity?

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I know people mean well when they try to give moeny, but I think we could do better filling others people's need directly. I mean if they need tents and food. Why can't we give tents and food instead of throwing moeny at problems. Because we all known of all the moeny that gets sent to these places none of it gets to the people that need it the most. It just breeds more coruption. China is a very rich nation so why doesn't it help it's own people. It seems screwy when some disaster happens and some rich b*****d has billions has the audasoty to ask for more moeny when they already have the means to help their own people, but don't. So please people can you stop giving to these charities?




  1. While what you say is true ,next to love charity is the best that we can give. Their government would let these people die.So charity givers must be the blessed souls to do what is right !

  2. People need to become more educated about the charities that they do give to instead of stopping altogether. Some, like you say, don't have it together when it comes to properly using the money. That isn't the case for all.

    Also what I find to be ridiculous is people buying all those bumper stickers, tshirts and bracelets for charities. I understand spreading the awareness of a group, but there are other ways even just by talking. Just give the money and stop flaunting how good a person you are. I'd rather give $2 to a charity than buy a $2 knick knack and have half of that just go to a corporation.


    Use the money to help the truly needy in the U.S.....Let the rest of the world donate billions for a change and let us take care of our own here.....I have spoken!!!!!

  4. I need gas money, is that a worthy charity?

    I agree with you on this.  My money is getting tight, and I live alone.  I make almost $19 an hr. and things are getting out of hand.  I can't go out much any more, $20 for a movie, $70 to fill my gas tank, and d**n near $100 a mon, cell phone.  No charity giving from me.  Middle Class is the ones needing charity now.  And you can chalk up lower class to the new poverty.  Middle class the new lower class, and so on and so forth.  Its time for a change in this country.

  5. exactly.

    Countries need to take care of there own problems. that's what America did when Katrina hit. and America has enough SHATTY problems that throwing money away on another RICH country is not something we need to be doing. (Particularly with the housing economy the way it is.)

  6. I agree.  I think some charities should be given to like to churches, pet places, etc.  But I think food should be given to food kitchens, and clothes to people who need clothes, what good does money do for one person when there starving and someone else has the cash.  I also agree that if a country is rich it should look after there own people and we could just say call us if you need us but we shouldn't be the ones taken care of others problems when we have our own at home.  Although not everyone has money to buy a tent but might have 10 bucks to spare in that event I suggest sending it to the red cross or something.

  7. i agree the peoplw dont get half of wats given

  8. u kinda have a point but there are charities who help the needy pplz for sure not all of them are liers n the reason pplz give to charity is because they cant reach those poor areas to do it themselves so they use charities as a channel to deliever these donations to the needy !!!

  9. I can see where you are coming from to a degree, but not all charities are like that.  I have one charity I give too, both money wise and material wise, and I am able to see that my money is spent mostly on the people it is intended for and partly for the business expeneses.  Business expenses (lights, waters, paper, etc) have to be taken care of as well...

  10. MONEY.BUYS.STUFF. slow enough for you?

    lol wtf your dumb maan (:

  11. when peter was asked for alms of a beggar he said I have NOTHING and picked the man up by a hand and the man walked.

    this is pure and undefiled religion!

    however, when Jesus said to Peter Feed MY SHEEP he repeated the same thing 3 times but the 3rd time the bible changes the word to feed my lambs.

    the church is supposed to live by the law of consecration. but instead of the higher law! we All live under the direction of Tithing. We give to our several kinds of churches and congregations in turn which feed their flocks individually.

    there is nothing wrong with giving money to a beggar but it is a greater Just Cause to give to the local Mission which "feeds" the sheep of christ. give to the missions and feed the vagabond and homeless and you TRULY feed a family and men who are oppressed financially and even mentally. i believe most men who are stewards of these kinds, are responsible and faithful.

    Not all homeless!!!!!!!! are rich people, what you describe is might be 1 in ten thousand

    as for feeding china! and giving them Succor! then giving to their local charities is a good will hope. NOT many people can go to china and build tents. They themselves would have need of hte same tents.!

    rebuking the rich was indeed one of the doctrines of christ. but he would also say that the men must change from the world dictators and babylon and partake of the kingdom of God. Jesus would say Repent and believe.

  12. Seems like I remember an old saying, "charity begins at home". We have too many problems here to be playing uncle bottomless pockets overseas.

  13. It is in our hearts to give.  Where it goes???  But God sees what we give to others and He is the One who reimburses us, He is the One who sees into our hearts ans knows just how much we give.  If the donations do not go for their intended purposes,  He deals likewise with those who are responsible.

    I never look back to see what happens with my giving.  Once it leaves my hands I know it went a better place, God!

  14. I have bought BUms here on the streets actual food and something to drink I have never given them MONEY

  15. i have given items directly to people in need i see on it gave me a better feeling buying christmas gifts and clothes for needy kids on there, than just giving money to a charity....

    the only charity i've ever given money to is a woman who runs a cat rescue organization...

  16. I kinda agree with you to a point. I agree that people shouldn't stop all together instead know who they are giving their money to. I DEFINITELY AGREE with the running over to help other countries when we have problems that we need to fix to like hunger, homeless, adpotion, etc. We need to fix our own country first then help the others.

  17. Eliminate the middleman.

    Go directly to homeless districts and give people tents and food.

    BBC just admitted to keeping donated money, anyways.

  18. My charitable dollars, goes to a local homeless shelter, which not only helps provide a safe place to sleep, but also for classes to the local Technical school. Teach a man to fish.....

  19. I agree with you. They are all like that, people are almost the same. their characters...

    Bunnie Bones

  20. There are some good people in the world.  When you give to charity, you just have to make sure that the checks and balances are in place.

  21. I've never given to China  and you don't need to stop just give to the right charity. If you want to give tents find a charity looking for tents, food or whatever.

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