
Please please help me?

by Guest32344  |  earlier

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there is this girl she is a bit intimidating at times i cant say anything to her because she will always win no matter what, our families are really close we go on holidays together and stuff

she calls me names like fat sh**t, idiot, r****d, weirdo, neek, i don't know what i can do




  1. Don't stoop to her level. She obviously has problems with herself so she takes it out on you. When people are insecure with themselves they try to bring other people down. Don't let her hurt your feelings, when she is calling you names just say to her, " I'm so sorry you have self esteem issues" and walk away.

    Hope this helps!!

  2. Call her a fugly *****.

  3. say things like  "do you really eat with that mouth"  or "I can't believe anyone would kiss that mouth"  or "Surely your mother doesn't talk that way how did you get so ignorant" or " that must your A-- talking because your head has better sense" or when your together with the family say "are you really a product of that couple" "do your parents know you have a twisted tongue"  or wait until I tell the folks at school you have a twisted tongue. Object here is not be nasty just quicker on the draw than she is.  She will go nuts trying to think of better things to say but you have to be a little quicker.  there are several places on the net you can go to for quick witted come backs. look them up memorize them then haunt her with them..she'll get the picture sooner or later once she knows she can't get to you..Good Luck

  4. stand up for yourself.. just because you have known each other for years doesn't mean she has the authority to call you names and put you down! So just ignore her.. or tell her off and sooner or later she will..

    or you can just stop being around her all together. i mean tell your parents!

  5. dont be rude but stand up for yourself if she does not stop tell some one u trust and if not tell her to p**s off in a nice way.....or just talk about things she like and she will agree get confuzed and stop or laugh along with her she will get frustrated because she wants you to be mad or cry so confuze her DONT SINK TO HER LEVEL
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