
Please read if your vegetarian?

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so ive been vegetarian for five months now ( i hate the thought of eating something dead, i dont eat fish but sometimes eggs) and im just wondering if i should be taking a certain type of pill or something since i most likley need more protein. my sister (doesnt live with me) has been one for 8 years and i think she takes a pill. thanks in advance.




  1. some vegans came into the clinic for B12 shots but you don't need that if you are eating fish. If you are at a lack for energy then perhaps. Tofu, bean curd and egg whites are solid good sources of protein. If you are healing from anything that requires tissue repair or if you have been strenuously working out you need to almost double pure sources of protein. Look into albumin powder if you don't like eating egg whites alone without the yolk. Add the powder to any shake or beverage and boost protein intake.

  2. I take a multivitamin with iron which I was told to take by my doctor.

  3. Please read if my vegetarian what?

  4. If you have ANY DOUBTS about getting all that you need from the diet that your eating and possible effects upon your body - - go to the doctor and discuss it with them.

    Even if the doctor doesn't know much about a vegetarian/vegan diet, they can and will refer yo to a dietitian/nutritionist to help you with any problems that you have within your diet.  They even help you to setup shopping lists so that you will get the things that you need - recipes to help you make sure that your eating correct.

    I can tell you that I personally take a B12 sublingual tablet every week.  Got concerned about it after two people that I know - that DO eat meat - came down with a deficiency of B12 - something that many like to suggest only happens to those that don't eat meat.

    So if in doubt - no harm in checking it out with a doctor.  Your talking about your body, your personal health - no need to gamble with it.

  5. I was wondering the same thing. I think it depends on your diet. I'm just going to tslk to the doctor

  6. You can get plenty of protein on a vegetarian diet.  

    The body doesn't actually require protein - it requires amino acids, most of which it makes by recycling dead tissues.  The ones your body cannot produce are easily obtainable from beans, lentils, grains and vegetables.

  7. If you are eating a balanced vegetarian diet, consuming enough calories to meet your energy needs, and not trying to live on junk food, protein is not an issue.

    Plant sources include:

    -soybeans and soy foods (tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp, fake meat products like boca burgers)

    -beans and other legumes (peas, peanuts, peanut butter, lentils, chickpeas)

    -whole grains

    -all nuts and seeds

    -vegetables (especially green ones)

    If you're eating from all of those food groups, and getting dairy and eggs of top of that, you should be getting plenty of protein without even trying.

    Protein is not the only thing needed for good nutrition, though.  I recommend picking up a copy of "The New Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina.  Both are registered dietitians and the book is pretty much the bible of vegetarian nutrition.

  8. i am a vegan. i have been one for 8 weeks and 2 days!! =D I am quite happy about that. i gave up a lot of food and i don't feel the need to take a pill. if you eat the right foods, pills are unimportant.

  9. no you should be fine its if you go vegan you will probably want to take a multivitamin with b12, and iron. you should be getting plenty of protein from dairy,nuts,beans and mock meats. and if you go vegan you just need to make sure you go out of the way to get protein in your diet, as long as you eat pretty healthy and dont junk out often you should be getting all your vitamins.

  10. It want hurt you if you do. check with the people who started the HEALTH MESSAGE since 1800's. The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. look them up on line or come and ask!

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